Cronus's PokePet

Mane the level 99 Entei!
Cronus's PokePet

Rawr the level 99 Venusaur!
Cronus's PokePet

Fairy the level 99 Cleffa!
Cronus's PokePet

Blazer the level 99 Rapidash!
Cronus's PokePet

Foxy the level 99 Ninetales!
Cronus's PokePet

Koi the level 99 Seaking!
Cronus's PokePet

Seadra the level 99 Seadra!
Cronus's PokePet

Kawff the level 99 Koffing!
Red's PokePet

Snipe the level 99 Gyarados!
Cronus's PokePet

Rhinoe the level 99 Rhyhorn!
Cronus's PokePet

Black Sea the level 99 Vaporeon!
Red's PokePet

Nari the level 99 Dragonite!
Cronus's PokePet

Bolt the level 99 Jolteon!
Cronus's PokePet

Kobra the level 99 Arbok!
Red's PokePet

Shock the level 99 Pichu!
Cronus's PokePet

Flame the level 99 Flareon!
Cronus's PokePet

Ruffy the level 99 Houndour!
Cronus's PokePet

Phantom the level 99 Gengar!
Cronus's PokePet

Fang the level 99 Dewgong!
Cronus's PokePet

Clawie the level 99 Kingler!