So what happened to Min?
So what happened since that fateful disappearance in April? Well....
April: Internet issues, and debatation of dad's knee surgery, sending me into a spiral of chaos in the whole need ot get job and move...
May: Internet gets fixed near end of month after constant harping at Verizon. Seems we had ANOTHER line issue. This also includes more insanity over dad's surgery and my lack of a job. Mood issues start becoming more problematic, meds are not cutting it.
June: Knee injections yay~ These hurt less the first ones, thank god. However, dad goes in for surgery. Not fun. Worry out the a** about his health, and then taking care of him. Computer decides to start being fussy... time to invest in new parts... and do a clean OS install.
July: New parts, new computer. Forgot bookmarks. DOH. Dad still recovering, job hunt still on, people pushing buttons. Moods getting worse, getting more agitated at stupid stuff for no reason.
August: ... you know I don't remember much about it other then job hunting my a** off. I really don't. Oh, wait... I scheduled an appt. for my psych for med re-eval, as it wasn't working. Also, had to see reg doctor for my normal yearly stuff... fun fun.
Sept.: Helllooooo depression! Bad month, things were very meh. Job hunting was shitty... dad dislocates right knee ... stressed may I add, DAYS before his surgery. Still has Surgery late in month. First new med assigned...
Oct.: Ooo hellooooo not all there. It's like... Twilight Zone. gonk Needless to say, scratch one med, see doc again... get new med. New med = very tired + very depressed. Takes a bit to get out of system... not exactly fun. Get appt. rescheduled into Nov. ...
Nov. Dad dislocates right knee again. Must have surgery to get a fix so it stops dislocating. Have to reschedule the appt. AGAIN because no one can get me down to VA on the date... then they say I'm not scheduled... thankfully I ran into my doctor and got that sitated. New med, take 3... Thanksgiving comes with a TON of stress, and a death of a family friend. Funerals...suck. Hardcore.
Dec.: Enough's enough I'm finding my way back... despite the fact that I had to reinstall again for Win7. Looks like a lot of work on top of the job hunt... D: