I feel the need to say what has been going on with me, if only showing a glimpse of it all.
Lately I have been playing MMORPGs.
Two, to be exact.
Fiesta Online,
And Perfect World Online.
If you have ever played an MMO for at least an hour and a half, you can know how addicting they can be.
I have almost literally spent any and all my time online on one or the other of these.
To some extent, I still will.
I actually have not been online nearly as much, though.
It is winter, and if you know me, you would know this is the time of year I like to call my "Hibernation Period".
When I am not sleeping my days away like a lazy bum, or playing an mmo like a lazy bum, and bad friend, I am busy doing things offline. This can be anything from babysitting, taking care of animals, or going out to shop once a week.
I would like to apologize. For letting my relationship with the people here begin to crumble.
Even if it is only during the night when no one is on, I think I will be around more.
I also will be putting up more videos, even though they are all pretty half-assed!
Now, I really want to see who even notices I made a new journal entry.
Probably.....three people?
Anyways, I think I'm going to go try and draw something, so I will bid you all a happy time, and be on my way.
I finished the drawing...four hours later? xD

It is hard to see, so I did some editing through photobucket's editing program.

It would look so much better if I had a scanner...it's hard to see some of the details...( the toes..which I personally actually liked xD )
Ah well.
It's nothing great. xP
Community Member
*Latches onto* <3
Notice: 1
And the drawing is soooo cute!
: D
I'm texting you, too!
Now, the rest of this page will contain non-emote faces.
: D
So yeah.