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~*About You*~
Name: Joe Blankenship
Birth date: Aug 9th
Age: 18
Country of origin: America
Town Born in: Pikeville
Race/ancestry: hell if I know xD
Religion: Christian
Height: 5 ft 11 inches
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color and style: Brown, and whatever the hell looks good when I fix it XD
Skin Tone: tan
Tattoos: none
Eye-sight: very very very bad
Names/screen-names you go by: Pretty much just Pitchjoe
Explain your username:
Pitch is another word for tar, and tars like a really really dark substance x)
Explain your icon/avi:
its got a lota books cuz I like to read, and a mask to hide who I really am...
How would you describe your personality?
I'm not sure how to describe my personality ._.;;
ever-changing? lol
How would other people describe you XD?
depends on the person; either a cold hearted b***h or a nice sweet innocent person :3
Are you Afraid of anything/have any phobias?
I have far far far too many to list....
What’s your favourite physical feature about yourself?
I don't really like anything about myself lol
What’s your most hated physical feature about yourself?
my body in general
Do you have any physical disabilities/ailments?
I wouldn't consider it a disability
Do you have any SPECIAL/FREAKY Abilities 8D?
th unnatrual ability to trip over nothing and the uncany ability to getmy heart broken
Do you have any allergies?
Are you the first, middle, last, or only child? And who are your siblings?
im the youngest, and I have 1 sister x3
How many cousins do you have? Big family?
I have a big family xD
Do you WANT to have children? If so how many?
I dunno yet =/
What was your dream job when you were a kid?
I didn't really have one
What is your dream job now?
What are your current responsibilities?
What item of food do you eat the most of?
Chicken :3
What is your favourite flavour ever?
...of what?
Do you like Meat?
oh yes...oh we're talking about food.. >_>;;
What do you usually eat for Breakfast?
poptarts x3
What is your favourite dinner meal?
probably grilled chicken
What cuisines do you like best?
probably Mexican/Spanish x3
What foods do you HATE?
most vegetables D<
What food can you not resist?
What would be your last meal?
Grilled Chicken x3
Do you like any ‘freaky’ food combinations?
french fries in chocolate milkshake xDD
What is your general fashion style? (eg: punk, glam, sporty, girly etc)
does skank count as a style? lol
What item of clothing do you wear the most?
your mom xP
Pants or skirts/dresses?
Pantalones x3
How much of your skin do you like to show/cover up?
very little =X
What items of jewelery do you wear most?
What item can you NOT leave your house without?
Hair up or Hair down?
~*Life Style*~
What time do you usually wake up?
What time do you usually go to sleep?
How often do you bathe/shower?
ussually once or twice
Do you exercise regularly?
nopes >_>;;
How often do you go out drinking?
What do you do most in your spare time?
I dunno ._.;; play games I guess
Name your hobbies:
How many pets have you had in your life? (not including farm animals/live-stock)
How many houses have you lived in in your life?
What sort of ‘vehicle’ do you own?
Chevy Cobalt :3
What’s your current job?
~*Your Favorite-?*~
Color(s): bright green
Animal: raven
Season: spring
Scenery: a really foggy graveyard
Plant/flower: roses
Sweet/treat: chocolate covered pretzels o.o
Game: I dunno D:
Sport: does sex count? xD
Shop: I dunno o.o;
Brand: cprobably Hot Topic xD
Cultures:I dont really have a favorite..my own I guess
Town/City: I'm not sure =/
Style of music:everything!
Favourite Songs: Bad Romance - Lady GaGa, Hard - Rihanna, Cold Case Love - Rihanna, Speechless - Lady GaGa, Teeth - Lady Gaga
Favourite TV shows: Gilmore Girls/Harper's Island
Favourite Animes: Bleach/Vampire Knight
Favourite Books: Gone with the Wind/ Catcher in the Rye/Perks of Being a Wallflower/House of Night series/Twilight series
Favourite Ships/Pairings:huh? D:
Favourite place to Holiday/visit: my sissy's x3
Favourite place to relax/feel free: I'm not sure theres so few places I really feel free....
~*Ideals in the Opposite Sex*~
Height: dont matter
Weight: dont matter
Body shape: dont matter
Hair colour/style:dunt matter
Eye colour: dunt matter
Style: dunt matter
Personality traits: dunt matter
~*Ideals in the SAME Sex*~
(YES the Same! But you can take it as ‘what you dream you could look like yourself’ same diff )
Height: Taller, about 6'1
Weight: not super skinny, but not super big either
Body shape: whatever floats your boat =P as long as its not super big on either spectrum
Hair color/style: I like blondes :3 and very very dark haired, like jet black x3
Eye color: blue or green
Style: I'm not picky
Personality traits: fun, mean, sweet, etc... Not so nice he makes puke and not so mean he makes me cry
~*What’s the last -*~
Time you laughed: a few minutes ago
Cried: Today
Screamed: when I woke up ._.;;
Shared: im not sure
The last person you talked to: Zac
Person to call you: my dad
Person you yelled at: my mom
Person you told them you loved: Zac
Time you acted childish: thanksgiving
Food you’ve eaten: loli ;D lol
Book you’ve read: Tempted
Shop you entered: Wal-mart
Thing you regret doing: a lot of things....
Thing you watched on TV: some retarded a** x-mas movie
Comment you squee-d over: I don't remember
Person you mentally hugged: Zac
Thing you wrote? (other than this meme): a poem
Thing you drew: a rosary
Thing you read: an IM from Zac
~*Can You-*~
Do a handstand: no
Raise one eyebrow and not the other: mmhmm
Dance: hell.no.
Sing: i think so xD
Whistle: yup
Cook: yeah xD
Do any magic Tricks: depends on what you consider magic >_>
Put together DIY boxed furniture: uhm hell no
Use Power tools: no...they scare me xD
Write a Resume: yeps
Rollerblade: no
Skateboard: no
Surf: no
Navigate: very very very badly
Survive in the Wild: I doubt it >_>;;
Survive without your cell phone: I have before
Survive without your internet:HELL NO!
What are you wearing right now?
hootie and sweats xD
How do you feel right now?
Did you brush your teeth today?
Are you in a relationship?
nopes =(
Do you like anyone?
closer to love
Do you think you could get together with them?
I want it more than anything
What's the first two letters of someone you have your eye on or are with?
How would you prove to that special someone that you really liked/loved them?
I'd kill for him...
What would you say to the first person on your Friend List?
I miss yew!
One RANDOM fact about you:
I'm a free b***h bby! ;D
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