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View User's Journal

Kizoku Kandieren's Babble Box
Describe my journal?? I quess it will be about just about anything. It will be unpredictable and sometimes it will make no sense. But, Hey! Things like that happen.
First day... no pants
crying In my intro I told everyone that I was said because my dress was ugly... It's the truth! So I have been wondering around Gaia looking for gold and I feel like a pirate... yeah, I am now going to call myself a pirate/kizoku because I want gold!! bwaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa scream Give me gold!

I've made a couple of friends so far and I am going to keep looking for all that treasure!

I feel very welcomed and I think that I am actually going to have fun here. *runs to kick the person that told her about this place*

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