Baby DBZ chapter 3
Just wanna say a big THANK you to my reviewers! You guys rock!
It was another day at "Villians little day care center" and Kakarot was once again hungry. "Wahhhh!!!" cried the young sayian while waving his cubby arms in the air.
"Goo goo goo!" an angry voice yelled from across the room. (Shut up you idiot!)
Kakarot sniffled as a new batch of salt water came 2 his eyes. "Goo goo." (Im hungry).
Fausha walked over to Kakarot and gave him a bottle and a pacfier. "There ya go sweetie." she said in a sweet, sugarly voice before she walked off.
Kakarot graiously accepted the bottle as he layed down and began sucking to his hearts content.
"Goo goo." he heard Vegeta mutter. (what a baby).
"Goo goo goo." replied Kakarot smugly. (you're just jealous that i have a bottle and you don't).
"Goo goo." grumbled Vegeta. (shut up.)
The two sayians looked up to see Fausha once again carrying a baby but she was holding it as far away from her body as possible. She quickly set the baby down and glared at it. "You do not do that! That's a big no-no! You can do that to your mommy but not me. I don't have any milk in that area!" she huffed and then walked off, muttering something about "parents breastfeeding their kids too much."
The little bald baby wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants stared at Fausha as she walked away with sad eyes. "Goo goo goo!" he said as drool crawled out of his mouth and landed on the pink carpet. (Man, I never get any).
Kakarot stopped sucking on his bottle and looked over at the drooling baby. "Goo goo!" he said happily. (Hi what's your name?)
"Goo goo. Goo goo goo?" (I'm Roshi. What's your name?)
"Goo." (Kakarot)
Roshi smiled as he looked around the daycare with dazzled eyes."Goo goo goo." (Do you know if they're any girl babies here?)
Kakarot shook his head. "No I don't know."
Roshi wasn't paying any attention to Kakarot. He was staring at what was in front of him. Ocean blue hair covered the top of her head. Pink, round, rosy cheeks suffsed the sides of her face and her cherry lips were a sweet red. Her aqua blue eyes sparkled like the ocean bathing in the sun and she wore a pink shirt which barley touched her diapered bottom.
In Roshi's eyes, she was a goddness. Franticly, he began crawling over to her and got as close as he could. The blue-haired vixen looked up at him, blue eyes swimming in the ocean and shining like a million shappires. "Goo goo?" (Yes, can I help you?)
Roshi blushed, feeling the familar rush of blood coming to his face. "Goo goo goo." he said hesitantly. (Hi i'm Roshi).
She smiled. "Goo goo." (I'm Bulma).
"Goo goo goo. Goo goo?" (Would you like to drink a bottle of milk together? My treat). He smiled as he flashed his toothless mouth.
Bulma smiled. "Goo goo." she said kindly. (Ok, but we don't have any milk.)
Roshi grinned as he lifted up her shirt and exposed the round little rosebuds near her chest. "Goo goo goo." (The milk is right here!) he bent down and started to suck.
Bulma sheriked as she slapped him with her free hand, leaving him with a red mark and causing him to let go of her hand. "Goo goo goo!" she cried as she started bawling. (Ew I got boy cooties!)
Roshi watched as Fausha came and picked up the crying blue-haired baby and rubbed her back. "Shhh don't cry Bulma. It's ok..." She cooed as she walked over to the cribs, leaving a hurt and heartbroken Roshi behind. "Goo goo." he said sadly as a lone tear slipped down his cubby face. (Why didn't she like me?)
Kakarot came over, holding his beloved bottle in one hand. "Goo goo goo?" he asked as he stared at his new friend. (What's wrong Roshi?)
"Goo goo goo." (She didn't want me. Bulma didn't want me.)
"Goo goo goo?" asked Kakarot, puzzled. (What do you mean?)
"Goo goo goo." (She didn'tlike it when i tried to get milk from her. I was gonna share!)
"Goo goo goo." (Oh, well maybe next time!) Kakarot grinned at Roshi before diving back into his bottle.
Roshi grinned. "Goo goo goo!" (yeah, maybe next time! Maybe I'll even get to suck on the pink thingies again.)
"Goo goo?" (What pink thingies?)
"Goo goo goo." (You know, the thing you suck to get milk from. She's a girl so she's bound to have milk in there.)
Kakarot nodded. "Goo goo? Goo goo." (oh really? I didn't know that.)
Roshi stared at Kakarot. "Goo goo! Goo goo goo!" (Well duh! Where do you think you get your milk from?)
Kakarot nodded as he continued to suck bissfully on the worn out n****e.
I know I'm sick right? Review!
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