ok just like not even a few mins. ago my friend twilight lord enix said "mk krystal T or D?" me"uh truth" he sat thare trying to tink for like 2 maybeh 3 mins.then finally"ok i got one krystal why did u set that guy on fire?" (yes i really set i guy on fire. he called me a whore at a school dance after rudely dumping me talk2hand )i say"yes he called me a whore what else was i suposed to do?" his reply "u need anger manegement" (can't spell to save my life sorry) ya people let me warn u normaly i'm kinda calm i'm very short in rl but i cant kick ur a** in to next week -.- if needed or wanted i will get violent :3 erm bye have a good day or night well bye............ - krystal ninja wolf