OC: Lil' Mallo

Name: Crysol Mallo
Nicknames: Too many to count! @-@
Gender: Female
Height: 4'9 but still growing! >///<
Weight: Shhhush! None of the buisness! But I am very fit! Not skinny,fit!
Build: Fit,average,on the skinny side
Eyes: Orange-ish Gold
Skin Tone: Peach
Hair: Light Caramel coloured; fleece [hat,or ears whatever xD ]: golden
Age: Not that old >////<
Likes: Anything sweet and fluffy! Fun,food,shiny objects,interesting stuff,music [ not a whole lot but it's nice],sleeping,napping,resting, playing,pillows,soft stuff,and clouds. Creative things too!
Dislikes: Meanies,thunder, and being hurt
Personality: Very sweet and outgoing. Loves everything,sweet and kind. very outgoing and helpful. Clumsy at times,tries hard at whatever she does. Overrall happy go lucky! &3
Other References/Art Done:
None yet D:

Name: Crysol Mallo
Nicknames: Too many to count! @-@
Gender: Female
Height: 4'9 but still growing! >///<
Weight: Shhhush! None of the buisness! But I am very fit! Not skinny,fit!
Build: Fit,average,on the skinny side
Eyes: Orange-ish Gold
Skin Tone: Peach
Hair: Light Caramel coloured; fleece [hat,or ears whatever xD ]: golden
Age: Not that old >////<
Likes: Anything sweet and fluffy! Fun,food,shiny objects,interesting stuff,music [ not a whole lot but it's nice],sleeping,napping,resting, playing,pillows,soft stuff,and clouds. Creative things too!
Dislikes: Meanies,thunder, and being hurt
Personality: Very sweet and outgoing. Loves everything,sweet and kind. very outgoing and helpful. Clumsy at times,tries hard at whatever she does. Overrall happy go lucky! &3
Other References/Art Done:
None yet D: