What kind of Chemistry?
Well i'm not doing so hot seventh hour. I have honors chem and i really don't get that ionic and covalent compound stuff..and im really struggling in school right now..its not that im dumb i just dont do the work..today i actually just understood what i couldnt have comprehended like two or three weeks ago..good day really even if i have a truck full of homework..i was glad that was off my shoulders...but now i also have trouble with what all call chemistry..a relationship..my girlfriend is acting totally different for the two past week and really is starting to get on the edge of my nerve...i still love her and i always will..a break? totally out of the question i just want her to calm down and be in the most consent mood she can be in..is that so hard to ask? maybe..depending on your view..you dont have to be happy for me babe, you dont have to change for me, nothing..all i want is you..OK? mahal na mahal kita