Amanda was surprised that Nikole had kept most of these pictures, most of which were taken back when the ‘loser gang’ was still a family. Taking one out of its holder, Amanda held it up to her face and examined it. It was one of everyone before they all had to head out to college. The last picture of the ‘gang’ together. Sergio, who had grown more mature over their high school years, towered above everyone else in height. He still had the faint colour of orange in his hair, but his Hispanic brown was more dominant and more visible. His arm was resting on the shoulder of a blonde’s, Brennan’s. His smile was radiant, sparkling in a amused manner. His arm was wrapped around the waist of Nikole, who was smirking in irritation. Her brunette hair was still shoulder length and her ice eyes were still cold but were very calm and smooth. Amanda, who noticed her hair was shorter in the picture as well, saw the protective arm of Nikole’s around her neck. Amanda traced her fingers across Nikole’s face, a silent tear falling onto the paper.
“Where did you go Brittany? I miss you.”
“Well, hey there stranger! I thought it was your day off?” Kathryn, who had dark auburn hair and grey eyes, asked when Nikole entered the lab room. Sasha looked up when Kathryn had said this.
“Well, you thought right, Jim called me in, told me you guys were understaffed, so, I’m here to help.” Nikole removed the light jacket she was wearing and placed onto a table next to the counter, which was strewn with photos and bagged evidence.
“Wow, you would never think they call in a supervisor. Maybe, lab rats but not a field mouse, such as yourself.” Sasha laughed out. Nikole looked her way and smiled.
“I can still knock you down a level, so behave.” Kathryn laughed at this. Nikole turned her head.
“That means you too.” Kathryn waved the remark away.
“C’mon Ms. Supervisor, let’s get to work before we ALL get knocked down.” Nikole walked up to where the two women were standing and loomed over the table, observing the evidence. Sasha leaned over to whisper into Kathryn’s ear.
“Here come the eyes that never miss a thing.” Kathryn smirked.
“Psychology does comes in handy a lot, but if you haven’t noticed,” Nikole averted her eyes to where the women were standing but then placed them back on the table, “she only notices what needs to be seen, not want people want her to see, she always misses the simple things.” Sasha looked at Kathryn.
“Wait, so if someone came in here, yelling at her, Nikole would probably miss the anger in their eyes?” Kathryn nodded.
“It has cost her in the past.”
“Where’s Jim?” Nikole asked to Kathryn, who stood beside in the empty interrogation room.
“In the glass room, he said he wanted to observe today.” Nikole scoffed, she was getting impatient.
“Who’s the suspect?” She started to bite her lip.
“Uhm,” Kathryn opened a black folder and flipped through a few pages, “Mason Jameson. He’s our one and only so far, so behave.”
“I can’t promise you anything.” Nikole’s head turned to the glass window in the room, smirking at it.
A cop entered the room, with a man in his arm, who was practically being dragged. Nikole knew it was Mr. Jameson. The cop pushed the man into a seat and removed the handcuffs around his wrists. Mason ripped them out of the cop’s hand, and stared at Nikole. His eyes, shown absolutely no emotion. Nikole knew, that this man had killed their victim, now, all she needed to do, was to get him to admit it. The cop walked over and stood by the door, his eyes firmly fixated on the other man’s body.
“So, Mr. Jameson-“ Kathryn said before getting cut off.
“Mason. Mr. Jameson is my father.” Kathryn took a quick glance at Nikole, who stared intently at Mason’s hands, which were in closed fists atop the metal table.
“Mason, where were you the night Natasha was murdered?” The man tried to hide a smirk, but Nikole caught it.
“You think this is funny, Mr. Jameson?” Mason looked at her with hate in his eyes.
“No, just trying to relieve stress ma’am.”
“You’re a horrible liar.” Nikole caught his eye. He scoffed and looked at her in pure anger.
“Anger issues, I have them. If you want to get hurt, keep those stuck-up, b***h a** comments comin’.” Nikole gleamed, she liked where this was going.
“Oh, I’m pissing you off huh? What, did Natasha do the same when she said no to you?” Mason started to twitch, his anger was growing with every word that left Nikole’s mouth.
“You ******** whore! Shut your goddamn mouth! You have no idea what you-“ He was cut off when his head came slamming into the cold table, he yelped in agony. Thick, red blood started to run down the table.
“I know exactly what I’m talking about, it’s you, who needs to understand where they stand. Now, before I blow your brains out, tell me, did you kill Natasha Brown or not?” Mason didn’t answer, the throbbing in his head caused him to lose his concentration. Nikole pulled his head back and slammed it against the table again. Making Mason yell out in pain.
“Did you kill Natasha Brown?” Her voice was rough and demanding.
“Ye...yes…I killed her…I killed Natasha.” Tears cascaded down his face.
Jim sighed. He didn’t like it when Nikole had to use force to make the suspects answer.
“She gets like this with everyone, as long as I’m not there in there with her.”
“Hm, I never saw her like that.” Jim turned.
“Really now? That’s a shocker.”
Amanda stood there, staring at Nikole through the glass.
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