This conversation took place not too long before I decided to post this journal. Kestral and MaxisKun were with me IRL, and you can ask them: I was enraged to the point of happiness. I had great fun breaking this guy. Before he PMd me, I had sent out a guild announcement stating that the guild's yaoi RP would be opening soon.
Hilarity ensued.........
Im quitting the guild because of this gay Yaoi crap. -_-
The Fullmetal Princess
It's an RP.
You don't have to join it.
You won't even see it unless you go to the Subforum.
If you want to quit, I won't stop you.
Just don't be a jackass about it.
Thank you.
The only reason you like Yaoi, is because it gets you wet. -_- Face the ******** facts, Yaoi is just gay in japanese. It's immoral, insane, and aginst the holy bible. Seriously, I loved this guild. And it's a shame to have to leave because of this gay crap. And I don't care if I dont see it, it's still there. I don't like being affiliated with anything anarchic.
The Fullmetal Princess
Personally, I'm an Athiest. I don't care what you believe in. Your "god", your bible... I don't buy it.
You say you love this guild, but you have never posted.
Face the ******** facts. You're a narrow-minded a*****e.
I'm not making you stay, and I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Don't expect to get any sympothy from me.
Sympothy? You should be begging ME for sympothy. It's not narrow mindedness, gay is gay. Being gay comes from a malformation of the lower cerebellum, in wich the cells fail to mature, or are considerably small, before and after childbirth. That portion of the brain is the proccessing point for sexual pheremones, and the proccess of extascy. In healthy straight female human beings, these cells located here are small. In healthy gay males, the cells located here, are considerably smaller than those of straight males. In healthy straight males, the cells located here are large. In healthy lesbain women, the cells located here are considerably larger than that of straight women. This study was concived on june of 2008. The study consisted of 50 gay males, 50 lesbian females, 50 straight males, and 50 straight females. It was found to be fact.
The Fullmetal Princess
Congratulations! You have just disproven your own religious argument using science. You are now an Athiest! : D Your gift basket will be sent through the male.
A CHILD!!!!!!!!! cannot control the size of their brain cells!
Make up your mind! How can your "god", who claims to be so benevolent and loving, damn something that an individual cannot consciously control? Something that he created?
Which is it?
God? or Science?
Heh... judging from your vocabulary choices, you are young. And you know whats weird? Your pathetic attempts to squander the fact that just because you get a boner from a guy, doesn't mean it's right; are pissing multiple people off. God has his purposes. And you know what's pathetic? 96% of gay and lesbian people come from a family with strong religous ties. Just because they love a person of the same sex, they deliberately defile the holy ones teachings. That is truely pathetic. Have you ever read Leviticus? Don't think so. Ill let you get back to your fantasy world. And by the way, don't bother saying anything back.
The Fullmetal Princess
Have YOU read Leviticus? There are so many laws that are bypassed by most of the Christian faith. You cannot pick and choose the laws you follow. I may be young, but at least I'm passionate about what I believe in. You, sir, are just quoting verses and articles that other people have already written. Come back to me when you have your own words.
The words are alredy there. And christianity doesn't bypass many laws. And bypass being the incorrect term. The main ones that christianity fails to follow (gods teachings, commandments, ect.) are masturbation, false witness, respect for parents, coveting of thy neihbors peoperty, love for one another, equalisisim, sacredness of marrige, ect. Im guessing your parents are religious. Your just a rebellious snobby teenager with an attitude problem. And you call yourself an antichrist. Bah! And about what I just said, the world is imperfect untill everyone acts this way... out world is imperfect. There are also things that clash with the many holy laws... love? And homosexuallity? Its like oil and water. Plus coveting? How can you not be jealous of your neihbors new $350,000 lamborghinny? It's like a knife without a handle. When you cut your opponet, you cut yourself. And why do people fight? Because of their primordial animal instinct. The sheer will to murder and cannibilize each other, for what? An earthly object? Wile we ourselves are created in his own image?! What we know, may not be right. Hell, for anyone knows, we could just rot in the ground, becoming food for parisites an insects, and nutrients for the plants. Our extravagant lives, just for mortal, imperfect flesh, to be torn, and recycled. Do you understand what I am saying? No one is right. No one is wrong. Lies are truth. Truth is lies.
The Fullmetal Princess
That, to me, looks like a cop out. You caved. This little dispute ended with that statement.
The fact that you replied after clearly stating that you didn't want a reply from me proves how weak your constitution really is. You don't know me. My parents aren't religious. I'm young, but I'm not a teenager. Nice try, though. Study your opponent's responses before you attempt to analyze their psyche.
My beliefs are based on experience. Things that I have learned throughout my life that I believe are right and wrong. You can sit behind your computer monitor and hug your bible. You are no longer worth my time.
I do have to thank you, though. I've not had this much fun in ages, and for that I am greatful.
What I tried to do there was state how confuseing things could be. You seriously thought.... -_- I also learn through life experinces. You had to be aggressive and push me out. You are the antoginist in this picture. I was getting kind of sleepy, so I told you not to respond. And im getting ******** tired of people pretending their important. Everyone dies. When you die, there is blackness. Heaven or hell? Who is to say. I dont like argueing. Stop being uppidy and insulting and trying to disprove everything I say. You know how ******** stupid you sound? Lets restart this:
Why is there gay stuff in our guild? surprised
The Fullmetal Princess
If you have already forgotten, you were the first who contacted me.
Im quitting the guild because of this gay Yaoi crap. -_-
I fail to see how I was the one who instigated this arguement. A normal person would not have even bothered to send that message. It was offensive and rude. It is obvious to me that you were looking for some kind of confrontation, don't deny it. You say that you believe in God and you follow the Bible's word, yet you come at me with scientific explanation that disproves your beliefs. Then you completely ignore my comment pointing that out to talk about what you think you know about me and my family. You are one confusing individual.
I am growing tired of this arguement, so I'll play your game.
You ask why there is gay stuff in "our" guild?
Well, sir, if you would read the guild's description, it is clearly stated that one of the tags is yaoi. You would have had to look at the front page before joining, wether you read it or not is not my problem. It doesn't matter now, though, since you are no longer part of MY guild. There is no "our". There is only Loli Cat Girl, myself, and all of our wonderful, open-minded members. If you loved the guild as you said before, you would have posted more than a total of zero times. It is truly a sad day in the Kawaii Longcat Guild when we have to ban a person due to posting issues. Terribly sorry.
WOAH diddnt see the yaoi tag... O_o THAT must have changed, That was never there before, FROM WHAT I REMEMBER...
And I did love the guild. I looked at topics but I never noticed the yaoi. Dx PLUS I WAS INVITED by someone... And when you join a guild, it IS an OUR. WE are all part of it. It is OURS.
The Fullmetal Princess
Yaoi was one of the first tags ever added. Also, you forget that you have indeed been banned from the guild, so there is no "our". The captain herself is gay and is not pleased by your comments toward her way of life. Your insensitivity has lost you your spot on the members list.
Members? Isnt that higher than normal people thar join? Goddamn it someone invited me.... I havent posted because ive been so damn busy. Plus I always used to love getting the announcements from the guild! I think I may have seen the yaoi tag, but the stupid gay posting is too much! You can be gay, but just not expressing openly your gayness in public! God this is what this whole damn thing was about! A giant arguement for nothing! D:
The Fullmetal Princess
This is a guild. There is an entire subforum dedicated to it. It's as private as it's going to get before going to PMs. No one told you that you had to look at it. This is Gaia. People have the freedom to express whatever they want as long as it is kept PG-13 or below. Loli Cat and I are carefully monitoring the threads to keep it that way. And I agree, it was a sensless arguement, and I forgive you.
By the way I have mood swings so I tend to rant. ;p Night.
The Fullmetal Princess
I'm off to bed as well. Goodnight.