In 7th grade, this guy, Justin, liked my friend Diana, who's also Viet. That summer, she moved. During that same summer, I went on the DC Trip, with Erik and Vincent. Somehow, on that trip, Vincent thought me and Erik liked each other. Then, he went back to school, and told Conlon that rumor; which caused it to spread even more. After a month or 2 into the 8th grade year, it started to settle down.
That year, there was the OC History Fair thing, and I wanted to join. I was already in this group with Mellanda, Michelle, Jeanelle, and someone else. I was the one who asked them all to join one group. Then somehow, they all excluded me out of the group. Probably Michelle's doing. >>" They were like "Oh, we didn't know!" Needless to say, I was pissed off, obviously not in their group anymore. So, Justin needed one more person for his group, to make 2 people, so I was like "what the heck, might as well." After we filled out all the forms, Justing offered to pay for my $50 fee with a $100 bill, when I said my parents wouldn't pay, luckily, there was no fee. x3 Afterwards, Vincent and Chels wanted to join as well, so we asked if we could add them. My teacher, Mr. Gaudette said no, so it was just us 2.
On a Friday, Saturday was the fair, I had a drama field trip to Cypress College for a whole drama production, Chels and Michelle went along as well, being chosen to go. I went for the whole day, and arrived home at around 10 PM. I called Justin to remind him to go the fair the next day; but when I called him, someone picked up, then hung up on me. I tried again, but the phone was off. I decided to try again in the morning.
That Saturday, my dad drove me to the fair place. In the parking lot, I met Gaudette, and he was like "Oh Tran, you made it! I thought you weren't going to show, at least that's what Justin told me." I was like o.0" . I went in, signed in and all that, and called Justin. Same thing happened; called him, picked up, hung up, and turned off. For those 2 hours I waited, I called him...oh, at least 34 times. I called Vincent, Ahmed, etc.
After a while, I got hungry so I got free donuts. xD While I was eating/drinking, I went to wish my friend Jennifer good luck on her history speech for the fair, and Mia as well. Then, I was talking to Gaudette and Haitsuka, about how Justin wasn't here. Then, I found out that Justin had told Gaudette that he wasn't going to be here b/c the project wasn't finished. My dad was obviously mad, wasting 2 hours of his Saturday.
I found out from Vincent that Justin had told him and Gaudette on Friday that he wasn't going to show up b/c he knew that I was going to be gone on Friday, so I wouldn't find out, and Justin wouldn't be humiliated.
That Monday, I found him in the library. I glowered at him, and then kicked him, yelling at him and such. I was pissed off, and humiliated.
Gah....that wraps up the main points for that.
During 8th grade, Vincent kept calling me on Saturdays, and sometimes Sundays, and we'd talke for hours straight. xD Phone bill was huge, I'll tell you that. I found out more things about Justin, so Vincent was like a "spy". Haha
I forgot when, but Justin had started liking me...whenever. Vincent made sure of that rumor to spread. And then, there was the $11,000 ring that Justin supposedly bought for me.
One time during lunch, Justin's "nerd group" started walking towards where we ate, and I was like "Oh, no....what now..." Justin, made someone else ask for him, if I wanted to go to the dance with him. I said no of course, and a second reason being I'm not allowed to go to the dance with anyone. xD
That other time, after choir rehearsal, me and Jennifer Chiem were strolling out, ready to exit. Then, we see Justin and Vincent towards the door. We ran out the back door, and almost made it out, until we saw them going around as well. I told Jennifer to get my backpack, while I run towards the restroom next to Ms. Eide's class. I made it there, and heard one of them say "How did she know?" Of course Justin had a question. xP
Yeah, after a while, I just stopped talking to him, and I remember on the day of "our last day after school party", when he said "well, bye" to me, I just ignored him, and he left. That was the last time there was any speaking b/t us.
-sighs- That was long, and my fingers hurt. xP;
This is basically everything. There might be details that I'm forgetting to leave out. Oh, such as, Justin went to the same pre-school as me. xC
I know, stalker-ish, right? But he said he left after 3 weeks, I think, and that's why I couldn't remember him....but he remembers me. O.O
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Hey there! Here's some poetry, my life of drama, personality, etc~
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