Name: Stephen Aaron Hawkins
Age: Seventeen
Weight: Around one hundred thirty pounds
Height: Stands at five foot nine.
Personality: Stephen that quiet aura about him that often leads people to assume he is unsociable rather than just reserved and laid back. For this he is branded as a loner at school, but is far from it. Most of his friends go to the nearby private scool, Calvert Hall. Once he opens up he is quick to laugh around and joke. Usually pervertedly mind you. When with his friends he rarely can be found without his signature half grin-like smirk plastered upon his lips. Kind and loyal are how people who truly know the real Stephen Hawkins brand him. He is confident and acts slightly childish around his friends and family. He will be the first one kicked out of the local strip mall for running through the fountain in the square on a dare. If he doesn't know you though he can come off as cold or shy because he is unsure of how to express himself at first. A complete one-eighty, right?
Usual Clothing: Stephen is usually found wearing fairly plain clothing. Her wears slim-fit jeans and usually had a dark green or grey zippered hoodie. It's that or one of his favorite bands' tour shirts on. This includes Rise Against, Avenged Sevenfold, sucidal Tendencies, Green Day, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Bullet For My Valentine, Disturbed, and Chevelle, among other rock, Alternative and punk bands. Occasionally heavy metal as well. You can hardly find him without a bare of headphones on with his I-pod blugged in or an old sahioned walkman for when he forgets to charge the previous one. You just can't go wrong with a CD in his eyes. On his feet are beat up converse missing a few chunks of cloth or a pair of sneakers he uses in gym class.
Physical Features: Thin wiry form with slight muscles. Lean. He has dark brown hair that falls to his chin. His eyes switch between a stormy grey and green tinted iris based off . Stephen usually has a half grin plastered to his face.
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