Chapter 3
The mountains were painted with an orange streak of gold as the flaming ball rose into the sky, clearing the cloudless sky of darkness and enveloping it with light. The orange streak climbed higher and higher up the mountain until it reached the top and lit the tip of the mountain with gold before spiraling down the mountain like water running downstream. The light spread out and covered the land like a blanket, keeping everything inside of it warm. Birds chirped, welcoming the morning light and earthworms poked their heads out of the ground to bath in the lukewarm-like rays.
Owls retreated into their nests and crows cawed at the sunlight. Blue jays soared into the burning sky, cutting the sky with their wings as they flew back down and landed gracefully on a tree branch. A young rabbit emerged from its hole in the ground and nibbled on the sparkling grass that was being burned by the sun and was wet with dew.
As the wildlife was screaming, the golden blanket expanded further and shielded more land from the darkness that threatened to consume all. The shimmering glow rained down and drenched everything in a golden shower, expelling any darkness that might have been left.
Chester groaned as his face was hit with the overwhelming power of the sun and weakly opened his eyes, only to be blinded by the sun’s rays. “Stupid sun.” he grumbled under his breath as he got up and blindly searched for the curtains and snapped them shut, cutting off the light that spilled into his room that threatened to wake Talinda.
He went over to where his suitcases were and checked them to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything. Once he was sure he had everything, he looked over to where his wife was sleeping to only find her awake. “Do you have everything?” she asked as Chester walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. “Not everything.” He said sadly as he kissed her softly.
“I know.” She whispered softly as a crystalline tear fell down her face.
Chester looked at her with crestfallen eyes. “I’ll call you everyday.”
Talinda nodded as she looked back at him with the same look in her eyes. “I will too. Matilda is gonna miss you.”
“I don’t know if I can stand being away from her for four months.” Talinda cupped Chester’s face in her hands as tears slid down his face like rainwater. “She’s so little and helpless. What if something happens while I’m gone and you’re not strong enough to protect her?”
“Nothing is gonna happen Chester.” Talinda reassured him. “I don’t want you to worry about us. I want you to have fun with the guys and the fans.”
Chester nodded. “But I-.” Talinda’s lips came crashing down and silenced Chester from finishing his sentence. Chester’s arm wrapped around her neck and he granted access to the tongue that was banging on the gates of his lips. Just as he rolled her over, a baby’s cry penetrated the golden moment and caused Chester to swear under his breath. “I’m also gonna miss that too.” Chester grinned as he ducked out of the room just in time to miss the pillow that was thrown his way.
He walked into his daughter’s room and ignored the pink walls that covered every inch of the room and the litter of stuffed pink animals that his wife insisted on buying. He walked over to the pink crib and picked up the wailing child from her prison. “Sssh, it’s ok. Daddy’s here.” He cooed softly at the red-faced baby. “I would be crying to if I was stuck in room full of pink.” He looked around the room with a disgusted look on his face. “I can’t believe I let Talinda talk me in to buying this stuff for her.” He said to himself as he walked over to the pink rocking chair and reluctantly sat down in it. He slowly rocked back and forth until Matilda stopped crying. He looked down at her and suddenly remembered why he came in here. He sighed as he looked down at his little girl who was wrapped in a pink blanket. Note to self: have a talk with Talinda when I get back. Chester thought to himself as he turned back to face reality. “Daddy’s going on tour for a while.” He began as he kept the tears from coming. “Daddy won’t be back for awhile so you be good for Mommy, alright?” he kissed the cooing babe on the forehead before walking over to the crib and laying her down. He picked up a sheet that wasn’t pink and placed it over her tiny body. “I love you.” He said as he kissed her one last time before going downstairs to where he knew Mike would be waiting for him.
Sure enough, just as he descended down the last flight of stairs, Mike’s spiky head greeted him at the bottom. “Hey man, ready to go?” Mike caught the sad look on Chester’s face and smiled as they walked out the door to the limo that was waiting for them. “Don’t worry Chester. I know it’s hard but they’re going to be fine. It’s not like the instant you leave some psychopath is going to come and kidnap them.” Chester shot Mike the death glare. “Relax man, I was just kidding.” Mike said as they boarded the limo.
Oh, if Mike only knew how right he was.
Yes I know. I’m evil right? If you wanna know what happens then you know the drill. REVIEW!!
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Linkin Park journal
A journal about LP. I plan to write updates, fanfiction, and all that other cool stuff about the guys of Linkin Park. Enjoy!
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