All at once, things seemed to overwhelm the world.
A sudden food shortage in Russia making them openly hostile towards China. Terrorists attacking Washington D.C. Biological weaponry at it's zenith. And then ... it all ends with one accidental push of the button.
"Year after year, science finds explanations, scientific reasons behind all the legends. They think this proves history was not as myth has shown it, but in fact it proves that all the myths were true."
"...a giant crater is all that remains of what was once the largest city..."
"...currently all the graves stand empty. Government officials estimate damage to the neighborhood at well over $200,000..."
"...the death toll is rising, scientists are scrambling to find some way to stop the massive..."
"...dozens witnessed the attack, no one saw the attacker..."
"...a fishing schooner off the shore of Iceland, wrapping its tentacles around the hull and pulling it under..."
"...found this man to be well over 200 years old. In his cellar was found dozens of jars of frozen blood, human blood..."
"...whereabouts are currently unknown. Police warn citizens to stay away from the forest..."
Deep in the forest, half-crazed witch doctors with their herbal magics. All of it is true. They've found traces of neurotoxins in the zombie's bloodstream. All the myths are true. Ancient nightmares, archaic legends, enigmatic dreams. All of it is true.
A neurotoxin spreads all over the United States, carried on the wind and by sea to the rest of the world. It was a race for survival. Only three million Humans escaped into space with their belongings. The rest didn't have a dying chance in hell of making it alive. Those who did leave took all the animals and plants that they could. They got out. They made it to Mars.
The Martians were quite agreeable, even though it wasn't much of a choice with high frequency lazers in their faces. They left and went into the IceCaps. They began to supply the Humans with fuel of their creation. They remained isolated. Neutral.
Now Mars is the Humans' home as well as the Martians. They live in peace, co-existing with their environment as best as they can. The children, the EleventhGeneration of Mars-Humans, learn about their Human past on Mars as well as on Earth, their old home. The Jumpers bring back artifacts from Earth, give them to the Engineers and Mechanics and BioTechnicians, let them bring back from the dead the history they lost. They live an almost Utopian existance. But was it meant to last forever? WILL it last forever? Or will it all come crashing down around their heads because of one young woman who wasn't afraid to search for the answers she wanted?