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Creating Memories with a Princess
This one will record all the things worth remembering in her life! (^-^)
I'm a Tokio Hotel fan. What of it?
We waited for infinity
We screamed 'til we felt it
We were ready when it was time to run
We ran through the monsoon
We got closer to the edge
We didn't jump
We broke away
We're the forgotten children
We're gonna live on if it is our final day
We're gonna die when love is dead
You came to rescue us
You're always forever sacred to us
And even if you're a thousand sea's far
We'll raise our hands for you

1. G: orgeous
2. E: xciting
3. O: riginal
4. R: ockin Awesome!
5. G: reatest bassist

1. T: otally hot
2. O: MG! His smile! amazing!
3. M: y favorite guitarist in dreads Evr!

1. B: estest Sexiiest Talented Singer!
2. I: ncredibley Amazing
3. L: ovable!
4. L: ove of my life

1. G : reat
2. U : unforgettabley Hilarious
3. S : hy _
4. T : otally the best drummer ever
5. A : wesome guy
6. V : ery Friendly!

I Pledge Allegiance,
To Tokio Hotel,
of Germany,
And To The Music,
of Which They Play,
one Nation,
under Tokio Hotel,
With Hott German's For All!

You say pink
I say black
You say Nick Jonas
I say Bill Kaulitz
You say Holister
I say Hot Topic
You say pop
I say Hard rock and Blues.
You say I'm Punk
I say It's better than being a prep
You say I'm a weird
if u agree put this on your channel

God had a perfect plan, he wanted BILL to be the most beautiful guy on the planet, but poor Bill, TOM was born first!

-Your parents roll their eyes or drone you out when you go on and on about Tokio Hotel and random facts you learned about them.
-You tell everyone about Tokio Hotel even if they don't give a flying fck
-Have a wall dedicated to them
-You Know It's Georg NOT GEORGE!!
-You Know It's Bill und Tom not BILL AND TOM!!
-You Know It's Lezzgo NOT LETS GO!
-You Know It's Ahmazeeng NOT AMAZING!
-You suddenly have a thing for guys with dreads
-You're planning a trip to Germany next year.
-You giggle everytime you drink Coke, although it was always your favorite soda, before you knew about Tom.
-You giggle everytime you eat pasta.
-Sometimes, you only eat cornflakes cause they remind you of Bill
-You have daydreamed about every possible way you could meet them, and what you'd say
-You have that one best friend (you made into a Tokio Hotel fan of course) that you scream with and ask "WHAT IF BILL LOOKED RIGHT IN YOUR EYES?" and about 1,000,000 other 'What if' questions.
-You smile everytime you think of one of their cute moments. Or when you think of their smile smile
-You sit in class and think of all the funny things the boys have done.
-Everytime you here the word "Tokyo" or "Hotel" they pop into your mind.
-You now love guys with piercings on their lip, eyebrow, or tongue.
-You've always loved both vampires AND fairies, and when you found out that Bill does, too, you freaked out and declared yourself as Bill's official twin.
-You've thought about what you'd say to them, in perfect German, a million times in your head already
-You giggle over waffles.
-You giggle when you see teddy bears, and yell "TOM! DEIN TEDDY!"
-"It's so amathing 4 meeeeee" is something you say all the time now, just like Bill.
-You Say "What Butiful veater nice nice nice" every time you step outside no matter what's the weathers like
-You plan on meeting them and making your fave member fall madly in love with you
-You know the lyrics to close to all their songs in English AND in
-You can spend countless hours telling people things about TH that you've newly found out...
-You cry every time you watch 'Spring Nicht' and beg Bill not to jump
-You start noticing people with lip, eyebrow and tongue piercings when you'd never noticed things like that before
-You begin speaking what little German you know just to make yourself feel that little bit closer to them
-You see an Esclade, think of Tom, jump up and down and clap.
-Your father tells you point blank. "I need to meet this Bill." In a bad way.
-You gigle everytime you see a gummy bear.
-You think of Georg every time you see a bathroom freshner.
-You see a cockroach and scream "COCKA LEG!"
-You randomly bust out with qoutes. Then laugh when its really funny, as your rents look at you like your mad you say "Emily. (Or a friend who is TH obsessed also) would have gotten it."

live it!
breathe it!
want it!
need it!
preach it!
LOVE it!

It takes a minute to like their looks,
It takes a song to like their music,
It takes an hour to fall in love with them,
It takes a day to become obsessed with them,
But it takes a lifetime to forget them

I love Tokio Hotel because... Doing this to make TH fans happy!!
1. Real TH fans know more songs than Monsoon.
2. Real TH fans know Bill Kaulitz's brother's name.
3. Real TH fans will actually know that Bill and Tom are twins.
4. Real TH fans shout 'YES!' when one of their songs come on.
5. Real TH fans will punch anyone for dissing Bill's hair, feminine features, or Tom's dreadlocks.
6. Real TH fans love the songs in German and in English.
7. Real TH fans think that they are totally hot.
8. Real TH fans think that Devilish was awesome too.
9. Real TH fans don't love only Ready, Set, Go! and Scream.
10. Real TH fans don't like TH only for their looks.
11. Real TH fans know how to pronounce every guys' name.
12. Real TH fans can sing all the songs in German, even though they might not know the language.
13. Real TH fans don't like only Bill.
14. Real TH fans never forget Tom, Georg or Gustav.
15. Real TH fans have this in their Journal.

REAL TH fans no that there are twins in the band(really hot ones smile )
REAL TH fans know how old each member is
REAL TH fans know each member's name
REAL TH fans know more than 5 songs from them
REAL TH fans have more than 10 songs on their ipod or mp3
REAL TH fans know the lyrics to more than 15 songs by memory
REAL TH fans get mad when haters talk mess about them
REAL TH fans have this in their journal!!

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