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Creating Memories with a Princess
This one will record all the things worth remembering in her life! (^-^)
Disney + Angst... One hell of a combo...

♦♥♦♥♦Dylan Cale Tweedy♦♥♦♥♦

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Ohai! My name is Dylan but you can call me Dee, Baby, Princess... (that's what Damien calls me! xD), but I really prefer you call me Dylan. I've been alive for 17 years and can't wait to be alive for many many more. I am 100% male and I can show you proof If you so choose. Oh I almost forgot to mention I'm a 3rd year in high school, so don't expect me to be nice to these people:Homophobes, people with annoying voices, and idiots.
People call me messed up but I'm just... hyper-active, and I tend to talk alot, but not like it's not about anything unimportant! Everything I say is important! My brother is the only person who I can really talk to. We're twins, you know? I think my relationship with my brother confuses people, but that really doesn't matter because I understand it and Damien does too, and that's all I really need. <3 I'm also gay, but you've probably already figured that out, huh? ; ) and you want to know why?
Well... Mother used to always tell me that I looked like a little girl and that Damien was far more masculine than I was. It kinda went to my head. Heh... Mother is really wealthy and will probably buy me anything if I asked her. O.o Damien is my twin brother, but you can definitely tell which one of us is which! xD He's always been there for me, and I don't think I could ever find anyone than makes me happier than he does. (^-^) I currently live in an apartment with my brother. Mother funds the whole thing and calls us all the time. : ) and that's why I am the way I am.
I have feelings for a very special person and I really hope they feel the same...
That's all for right now, I've got to go because The Fullmetal Princess is calling me.


♦♥♦♥♦Damien Christopher Tweedy♦♥♦♥♦

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Ohai! My name is Damien but you can call me ...just call me Damien, please. I've been alive for 17 years and can't wait to be alive for many many more. I am 100% male and I can show you proof If you so choose. Oh I almost forgot to mention I'm a 3rd year in high school, so don't expect me to be nice to these people:Homophobes, morons, and anyone that treats my brother wrong.
People call me messed up but I'm just... quiet and I like to hang out with my brother alot. We're twins and we do everything together. I won't hesitate to jump on someone who insults Dylan. Even though he'll never admit it, he's sensitive, and I sometimes have to stay up all night consoling him after someone says the smallest thing that hurts his feelings. I call him "Princess", but that's only because he walks around like he's royalty! He doesn't mind... We're all we've got. and you want to know why?
Well... Dylan an I grew up with our mother, who had always wanted a daughter, but was stuck with twin boys instead. She came from a wealthy family, so we always had anything we'd ever wanted. She was always dressing Dylan up in dresses and glitter. Dylan didn't like it, but we both loved our mother very much and never told her anything. During elementary and Junior High, we only really talked to each other. That was all we needed, because no one really interested us. Just a few months ago we rented an apartment together, funded by our mother. She never really could let us go. Mother still sends us a check every week and calls us everyday before we go to bed. and that's why I am the way I am.
I have feelings for someone and I really hope they feel the same...
That's all for right now, I've got to go because The Fullmetal Princess is calling me.

We both take these classes...
((Our mother paid alot of money to make sure our schedules were the same. ; ) ))

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