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The Shift in my Life A summary of events, personal growth, hopes, and dreams beginning from my high school years.

Community Member
*sigh* Okay, this isn't working!!
I like one of my friends, I told him, and now he hardly talks to me (not that we talked that much to begin with). I miss him, you know, being able to talk to him without that awkward feeling between us. For those of you that have been where I am, you know what I'm talking about. That awkwardness that seems to linger over you that you just can't seem to shake. I miss the older days, I know we didn't have many, but I miss when we just hang out and talked about... stuff. Stuff that doesn't matter and never will, about improve, family issues, drama. I miss dancing with him, his arms giding my movements.
Hopefully, once drama's over. we'll have more time to talk. And, hopefully, things will work out for us. And if not, I hope that we can at least stay friends. I don't want to lose him because I can't keep my mouth shut... Mind you, it was bound to come out sooner or later. If you have any advice, I'd love to hear it. I'm stumped.
On a much lighter note, I taught my first classes today. I assisted with 6 different swimming classes, from Salamander preschool to Swim kids 8. I was so happy when I heard one of the kids say to their dad "But I don't wanna go home!" I felt amazing, like I had just been blessed (and I don't really believe in that, so what does that tell you). I couldn't help but smile. I can't wait to go back next Saturday.

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