Okay, Well, my name is Devin. Yes, am a GIRL so don't bother with all the, 'are you a boy? s**t. I've heard it all. Don't bother Friend Requesting me unless I've spoken with you before while out on the site. That way I can keep my friends list clean. I'm a very fun girl. I normally warm up to just about anyone, I don't mind random comments or anything. I have three cats, I can't keep my room clean for more that a few days, and I read. A lot! I'm always looking for something new to read. I own theTwilight series. I love the book, hate the movies. Did you know that the last two books are going to be one movie? Yeah, all the more reason to hate them now.
So, Cats. The first one we got is Yuki. She's albino. HAs the red eyes and everything. Well, when people say that they have to have read eyes to be albino. they LIE! HEr eyes are read only when reflecting light.
O'Ryan is my big baby cat. He acts all tough but he's just a big softy. He's also gay. I worked for months to get that cat to love me and any guy can walk in the house and O'Ryan is all over them.
And we have Hermy. Funny story there . . . When we first got Hermy, we had no idea what sex he was. Hell, the vets didn't even know. So, because it was a sexless cat, mom and I couldn't decide on a name for it. My friend Momo came up with the name. 'Name it Hermy. As is short for Hamaphrodite' So we have our HErmy. Later we found out Hermy was a girl.
I live in St. Cloud, Minnesota. I swear, this state doesn't need anymore weather problems. . . I don't read. I 'eat' the books. Lately I have been reading anything I could get my hands of my Karen Marie Moning. I have read all but two of her highlander books and am working on Darkfever, Bloodfever, Faefever, and soon to be Dreamfever. Her books have stolen my soul in more ways than one.
I'm in the process of processing some Anime for a friend of mine for her summer program. And it sucks! I have never watched so many Anime before! Rght now, I'm on Inuyasha. I swore I would never watched it again but when I was given the chance I took it in a shot. I'm a late sleeper. I hate waking up before 10 unless I am allowed 8 hours of sleep. Last sunday, I slept until 2pm. God that felt so amazing. I'm a bit of an air head when it comes to my books. I am almost never caught reading the same book in two day. Not this summer anyway. I hope to put some of my favorite 'passages' up. Fun moments that had me laughing my a** off!
I role play constantly. Be it RP games or on the internet. I can whip almost any character together with little to go by. So, if you're bored, send me a Sample of your RP talent and your E-mail. I only go by those, sorry folks.
I'm an Aspiring author. I have two stories done. The first of a trilogy and the last part of it. My friends love it, I love it, the second one didn't have to be done in order because of something in the first one and now, some of my buddies want me to go through and redo it in the perspective of the main male. And you know what? I sure as hell will!!! Just as soon as I get the rest of this typed up.
I sometimes wonder, who the hell even reads these 'about me' things. Maybe, when I get w whole bunch of s**t down on here, I'll make a post and turn it into a quiz in the chatter box. Maybe. I don't know really. Give it time.
At some point in life, every body starts to collect something that they love. For some people it's Gnomes. My mother likes Mushrooms. I . . . Well, I like turtles. Mothernature's mobile home.
You know, when I look up and think about it, my 'About Me' this is all over the place. Which is fine with me. It only means that I'm honestly going to do that chatter box thing one of these days as I put random tidbits down on here.
God, I'm hungry. Hell, I'm always hungry. I love to eat. No, I'm not fat. I weigh just about 150lbs and I'm skinny. Trust me, I would love to pack some pounds on. If god could, I'ld have him give my Metabolism away to all the girls who want to eat and not gain. They can have it. I just want some meat on my bones before winter comes again. It get's cold in Minnesota . . .
People really need to learn how to type. Really, how freakin' hard is it to type with words. Text talk is just a cheap shortcut. I hate people like that. I will not talk with people who type like that. Or try to sound Ganstar. It's just sad when people do that. It's all fun and cool to put your voice onto your profile, but make sure you at least speak your native language. Well, fully anyway.
I am a late sleeper. A very late sleeper. Actually, it's to early to be typing this. I'm going to go back to bed.
If I were to put on here what I look like, I would laugh and tell you it was none of your bees wax. So, instead, I have thrown together an Avatar that is, almost to a T, what I look and dress like. It's up to you to give it a real life look.
Currently working to obtain . . .
Some fun little links of mine <3
A Completely Random Profile
Kitten Cannon
Icon Fight!
Community Member