Avatars in the Arena
This is going to come of sounding rude, but it needs to be said. Money does not make an avatar good....to get the things I have caused me to be in the gaian poor house, because I have other things to do like school. Design is what is important rather than cost, and I do own some rather expensive for their time items, but was able to get them at a decent price.
As for those who feel the need to riddicule my witch avatar I have this to say: 1) There is nothing wrong with using what is available to me, and that includes the witchling dress. I wanted that dress when it first came out. I couldn't afford it so I waited a fair decent amount of time. Besides, how would you know a witch wouldn't wear that. Have any of you actually met a real witch? 2) Since when did picking a color and making sure everything followed the color of your choice count as not being a scheme? My color basics teacher would be having kittens in his joy. I took a single colors (the pink in her dress) and accented with like colors. In fact, even going as far as to add a complimentary color (green). Check a color wheel. They are opposites that makes them complimentary. 3) The penguin: it is her familiar. Don't know what that is? The animal that helps her with her magic. Witches have been known for having familiars since time began. Do a little research before you go yelling at the people who have. 4) How much composition do you really have to a character on gaia? Sure you can change her stance a bit, but it is nothing like when you can draw a character.
Finally, I would like to add something to all those who still don't get it.
Designing these avatars is about use of what is available to you. It is not about who can afford the most or about who can pack as many items as possible into one avatar.