T.T... hello people..... yesterday was a big busy day, and when i realised that i had to add a new thingy here, it was already too late D: .. but now i'm gonna make two thingies! biggrin ~
yosh! day: 16-09-09
wow, i realise now that the end of the year is coming quickly.. o.o
-- the year was so quickly gone T.T, it makes me feel sad ^^; . in that case... -grabs a handkerchief- snif.. whee
but now the real story of today: today is my best friend's birthday, but we had a fight, and now i think she doesnt like me that much anymore Y.Y... ill try everything to get her back =D (miss her)
yes, i had a present, and i did something not anybody would do... i spend my whole night making a photobook =3 .. i finished it 20:36, so i couldnt go to her anymore >.<
so im going to bring it tomorrow biggrin . i hope it will touches her =')
day: 17-09-09, today! =D
oh god its almost end of the week, then i can finally relax... just one more day >.<. i sure got lots of homework when i advanced my grade. it works on my nerves =O
anyway, no interesting things happend, ill bring the book to her soon, after my tons of homework smile
lots of love, neko heart
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