I got losta art from my forum, so I am gonna post them here!
Have fun looking at my art!
They arn't in any order.

by MoroMaru, i <3 this, it is so kawaii

by Shinju_Megami, hehe, pocky, it is a joke from the forum, this is a cool pic of meh!

by kontonxero, i love the style, it is awesome! ph33-4r!

by Akajia Tageshinoa, i like how this looks, it is teh coolness

by Rantress Granny Duck, yay for sailor lemony! she rights wrongs and triumps over evil, and that means you! heart unfortanatly rantress says i have to pay for it eventully, but i dont think that is fair, cuz i didnt even ask for her to draw it

All of these are by elliot_land, cuz he doesn't have a life

by Rantress, she made this on paint for meh! isnt she nice???

by Miali, I got this at her art forum, I love teh style heart i gave her a kitty for this!
here are a few more
but they arnt of meh avi, they are of me

by elliot_land

by Me!!! ^^ hehe, i made a little kitty, and used it as a base for stuff
isnt the shirt cute? i seriously have that shirt too, it has a pic of toad (mario games) and says toadally mrgreen
and here is a group pic

again by elliot sweatdrop ,he made this pic of teh cool people from the forum(everyone was cool, but these were the people involed with the pocky)
starting at the top left, go right: Me, Elliot, TiffyIffy, and SereneSilhouette
And that ends my art,
feel free to make me more!
heart heart heart
heart heart domokun heart heart
heart heart heart
heart heart heart
heart heart domokun heart heart
heart heart heart
Signed, LemonyNinjaGirl ninja 4laugh