Total Value: 1,742,406 Gold
Item List:
Elegant Blue Gloves
Elemental Hair
Long-Stem Blue Rose
Fremere's Guard
Fallen Wish 11th Gen.
Ribbon Luv Sleeves Blue
Sapphire Milady Skirt
Adventurine And Milk Quartz Headband
Gothic Veil
Elegant Feathered Mask (Sky Pinions)
Fairy Wings
Blue Heavenly Unmentionables

Total Value: 1,503,100 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Dappy Dandy 2nd Gen.
Rose And Milk Quartz Earrings
Buttercream Rose
Noel's Gift
Amethyst Milady Skirt
Elegant Violet Satin Corset
Elegant Antoinette Wig (Rose)

Total Value: 18,178,821 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Pale Marionette
Love Wrapped
Gogh Reed 4th Gen.
Fall of the Morning Star
Fall of the Morning Star
Gothic Veil
SDPlus #165 The Sentinel