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View User's Journal

Summers Day
A summers day is so beautiful
It's full of happiness and warmth
It seems almost like a dream
When you look into that wonderful blue sky.

Winters Night
A winters night is magical
You look outside and feel warm, not cold
The snow glitters like the moon
As snowflakes drop to the ground

Autumn is a peiceful saeson
Full of red, gold, orange, yellow, and brown
You feel a chill when walking
But the peice is everlasting

Snow is melting
Bugs are buzzing
Green is returning
The warmth feels nice; good for relaxing

I am me
I wish I could be
A bird soring through the sky,
without a care in the world
I wish I could be
Like a fish,
Swimming happily in the clear water
But I can't
Because I can only be me
But one day I will break free
And show the world what I am.

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