Ho-ly s**t. Has it been five years since I turned this thing on? Wow. Just wow. I just read my last journal entry and I remember that day vividly, too. Stuck at my computer, bored out of my mind, missing my then girlfriend and excited for the day that she would be coming to visit.
Soooooo much has changed. Falling out with said girlfriend, deploying two more times, getting another girlfriend, getting dumped by that one too, getting out of the Army, and now starting college.
Hm... I guess that really isn't much of a summary, but whatever. If you want to know anything about my life, you could always view my MySpace (ask if you aren't already a part of it and want to be). Much more enlightening. I figured I'd just post this because... well, because I'm bored again and I should be going to bed because I have class in the morning.
Someone go to class for me. I'm remember why I dislike school.
Kamui Tigerbreed · Tue Sep 01, 2009 @ 05:09am · 0 Comments |