Honestly i don't know what to do. I've gone looking for my memories, but they don't come. I keep walking down the street till i reach the lil cafe on the corner of the street, I walk in making the little bell ring, my presence is known to the people in the cafe.
I walk some more inside and sit down on the table. The day has gotten hot and I'd taken off my jacket a while ago, hangning onto it for what seems like dear life. The waitress comes over after a few minutes of waiting and stops at my table.
"What can I get ya hun?" she said, chewing her gum like in the movies.
"water...with ice please" i was only priacupied with the window and the people on the other side of the window.
She leaves to go get my water. Though I don't notice her leave. I don't have time to, i don't have time to do much these days. Its a pitty really, if I did look into more of what i go through each day, maybe I'd be thankful for the things I have or had... But like I said before. I don't have time.
Lost in my thought I didn't even know the waitress had come back and given me my water, i don't think she minded though.....or hopefully was more of the word for it. I guess either would do really, I don't care either way, she was a cliche` anyway. though I guess I shouldn't be talking really, or thinking..narrating..how ever you'd prefer to put it.
Picking up the glass of water and takeing a sip out of it, I thought to myself if this was really okay to drink.so I set the glass down and got up, not bothering to pay for water since its free and such, and walked out. Never do i pay tip, never do I want to pay tip.
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