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View User's Journal

The Universal Rune
Rune's journal - mostly used for rants, worklists and the like.
I wanna go back to school!
Actually, I don't so much want school as the social bit. I miss my friends. But I'm basically home-bound 'til Tuesday at least, when my doctor calls. On the up side, I've had lots of time for writing and drawing. Mounts, weapons, toys, and pets will all be up for coloring once I can sit down long enough to scan things. Plus various random things that'll go up for Devart. And I'm horribly missing RP. But other than that, I'm kind of okay. And my lovely random rantings are through now. *snicker*

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Dec 17, 2004 @ 10:50pm
I miss RP too. What exactly was it that was wrong with our AG site?

We should roleplay on Neo. whee

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