Total Value: 2,455,681 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Candy Pink Sweet Lace Rockinghorse Shoes
Iced Sugarplum Tutu
Gogh Reed 5th Gen.
Melonpan of Haruharu (headband)
Rainbow Neko Cosplay
Lovely Lady Soldier Wasabi
Lovely Lady Soldier Wasabi
Masquerade 2nd Gen.
SDPlus #218 Buki Doll
Gelato Supremo
Mint Buttercream Rose
Neapolitan Sash (Vanilla)
Sprinkles Scarf
Raider Shih's Garment
Moonstone Borealis
Star Suit Mascot
The Case of Pietro
Chapeau Demonique
Yemaya's Pearl 8th Gen.
Admiring Mood Bubble
Girl Mood Bubble
Banana Mood Bubble

Total Value: 78,540 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Pink Belled Ribbons
Rose And Milk Quartz Headband
Victorianna Tea Rose Lace Blouse
Fancy White Long Sleeve Sweet Lace Blouse
Victorianna Tea Rose Bustle Skirt
Moonstone Borealis