A few days later, you found out that there was another new student called Yuhno. You heard rumors that he is a fighter because Mayuko was going to ask him to join her crew, you weren’t let that happen. As for Jae Joong and Yoochun, you knew that they would not turn to Mayuko’s little crew members.
“Siwon, oppa…try to be nice to them…you don’t want them to be HER puppets…I don’t want anyone to fall to that trap…” You hand him a drink.
“Okay…I will try, not that I like them…but because I hate HER too much…” He takes the drink and starts to sip it.
“Thank you, oppa” You squeeze his check and smile.
He lifts up the sheets of his bed, frantically searching for his key chain. *Where is it?* it was his only gift that she gave him before she died. His heart sank and pounds on the bed in frustration. The key chain drops on the ground, slightly sticking out to his view. In relief, he snatches the chain and puts it in his pocket. “I am never putting you on the bed…too many sheets…” He grins and walks out to go to his car.
“Jae…can you drive me to school?” Yoochun stare at him for an answer. “I go into a little car accident.
“Sure…” He covers his face. “Ya! You got to be careful!”
“Thank you…” He nervously gets into the passenger seat. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah…” He pulls the lever to back up, still thinking of her.
“Jae Joong, I want to be with you no matter what…but” She holds his hand. “I am never letting you do this…whatever Yunho do…please don’t do this…”
“Younha…I have to, or he is going to cause more trouble…he…is…” He embraces her hair.
“I like you, Jae Joong…I don’t want you to hurt anymore…so lets just break up…I don’t want to be your burden…the reason why you fight…” She kisses him goodbye on the cheek.
“But… Younha…” He could not say anything to stop her from leaving. “Younha… don’t leave…”
“Sorry, Jae…” She stops and continues walking on.
[End of Flashback]
“Ya! It’s a red light!” Yoochun elbows him and Jae Joong presses on the break with a strong force. “What? Are you going to get in a car accident like me?! Aish!”
“Sorry, Yoochun” He fell back into the seat and smiles. “Just want to scare you…that’s all…did you learn your lesson?!”
“Yes…aish, don’t ever pull that on me…I still have a life to live…” He smirks back at Jae, pretending to hit him.
They laugh all the way until they reach the school.
“Jung Yunho…” You pat his shoulder for attention and tense up. “Hi, I am ---, Sorry I didn’t greet you on your first day…just hope that we can become good friends…” You smile and pull your hand out.
“Okay…since you know my name already…then we are good friends right now” He looks at you like he never saw a girl before. “I like you…you seem my type…I will court you one day…maybe today…”
“Ya, do you know who I am?” His overconfident pisses you off.
“Why wouldn’t I? You are the one I am waiting to meet…---, right?” He smiles at you and pats your head. “Ya…I didn’t know you would be so cute…”
“Ya! Nobody…” You just remember that you had to be nice to him. “I have heard that you are a fighter…”
“Shhh…” He puts his finger on your lips. “Don’t worry…we are good friends” He leaves before you could say a word.
*What a jerk!* you charge away looking down, bumping into Jae Joong.
“Sorry…” You look up and he staring at you. “Sorry, Jae Joong”
He back up so he could face you and Yoochun steps in front of him. “What is your name again?”
“You are that jerk who bumps into me the other day…huh?” You cross your arms together. “But today is a new day…sorry for almost breaking your bones…” You catch your breath and properly fix yourself. “Hi, I am ---…sorry for not properly greet you guys on your first day…if you need help, I got your back…just trust me…you will not regret being my good friends…” You stuck out your hand again.
“First impression never fails…good friends?” Yoochun smirks and let out a breath. He was going to shake your hand, but Jae Joong caught it first, shaking it happily. “Okay…good friends…”
They pass you by and you wave at them. It’s not hard being nice, but you will later regret it.
“She does actually apologize…weird…” Yoochun sits on the seat. “She has this innocence that you don’t see in her kind…”
“She’s not bad…she got her own way of being nice…” Jae Joong studies his phone, reading his text.
“You admire her…do you like her?” Yoochun chuckles and points at him.
“Ya! I don’t like her…just, nothing” He slaps Yoochun in the head.
“She’s something different”
He is wandering along and hears “…I never going to give up…I am still standing, no matter what I will protect the innocence”*What a righteous person...* He thinks to himself as he passes the room. “You will pay! He stops when he hears that and looks in the room *Who is saying that?*
He is still standing at the door *She’s a fighter…* he smiles to himself. He tries to leave and without notice, he bumps into you.
[End of Flashback]
“She’s not bad at all” Jae Joong repeats, still thinking of that moment.
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