I'm so freakin pissed!!!!! evil
Don't you just hate busy bodies?
Okay so we were riding down the road a week ago and there was a dog layn in the middle of the road. We thought it was dead, or hurt so we stopped to see if we could help. Well when we looked at the dog he wasn't hurt physicaly but he was starving. You could count every bone in his body. So we picked him up and moved him to the side of the road. Well we drove back home and got some milk, and pet food to feed him. Well we feed him and he already is moving around more. We do this for 5 more days and he becomes able to run, and he is trusting us so much. It was just so touching. So we decided the next day to take him home. (we didn't earlier bcuz my dad is an a** sometimes. But we figured since he was abandoned he'd let us take care of him.) Well we come back to get him the next day, and hes gone. We ride up and down the roads looking for him. Then my cell rings and it's my neighbor. this is what she said. "Rosie? What are you all doing in the car?......a dog? Oh I called animal control. They got him today. I'm a what? oh............i'm sorry." So she hangs up and me and my sis just cry. We were so upset because the dog trusted us.....and then he got hauled away....We felt like we let him down....I feel like a horrible person....We called animal control..and they said they didn't have the dog.......yeah right..... I feel horrible...........hug? anyone?
Dewdrop13 Community Member |