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Creating Memories with a Princess
This one will record all the things worth remembering in her life! (^-^)
OMG! Too Effing Hilarious!
Newt Princess
Random is like when you roll a die. The number that you get is "random" because you have no control of the results, unless it is a well calculated throw.

What you're doing is "unexpected".
If, in a movie, a tuna fish sandwich falls out of the sky and hits you on the head, that is "unexpected". It is not "random".

If you're in a forum that is talking about soup, and you decide to post something about a star, that is "Arbitrary" or "irrelevant". it is not "random", because you had to think out and then type something about a star. You had control over the results. It was not "random"

~Max Pacheco


bahahah good observation ca-pitan of the football team :3

and how do you know that every one here is in control of what they say... myabe we are all mad and out of control of what we post :3

most likely we arn't but what if we are. . .


Newt Princess

A truly mad man will be ashamed of his insanity, my love.


A truly mad man would not know they are mad :3

Newt Princess
What is mad but the opposite of a toothbrush? And therefor, cows MUST be green, and they are ashamed by that. But if you take the square root of both sides, you end up with the brand new BMW stuck up your nose, and so you have to call a lawyer to dig you a ditch. HOWEVER, the witch, to satisfy and itch, came flying on her broomstick, thumbing for a hitch, and Oh! what happened then was rich! Neko, ever curious, was killed, and Linkin Park played at my funeral.

So, you see, you are incorrect, my love.

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