And my oh my, do I find lots of good stuff.
I devoted most of my afternoon to fanart today, and thought I'd share:
Howl's Moving Castle
Good movie; seen it twice; read the book in 2 hrs and 40 mins today and then went looking for purty purty pictures.
- One cute stamp
Book Howl
...I am this.
I want to hug all three of them at once. So cute!
Heralds of Valdemar
I. Love. This. Series. There are already two fanart links on my profile, so I won't put those here, but here's more.
- The Last Herald-Mage: Better Love Triangles Than You Since The Reign of Elspeth the Peacemaker.
...And Better Angst.
...And Better Magical Butt-Whupping.
Companions = Horse-shaped Fremen? This is the only picture I have found where the blue eyes really stand out.
Excuse me while I go BAWL in the corner.
This one is great just for the artist comments.
The Books Of Pellinor
No secret that I love these novels; look at my screen name! Didn't expect to find so much art, though.
- Can I have, like, two percent of your drawing skill?
If I had not gotten an ARC of the Singing in January, I totally would have been this person. (It was awesome, by the way.)
Gawd. Two percent. Pleeeeeaaase?
Creepy Elidhu eyes are win.
The only thing that made me think that Maerad/Arkan would be a slightly good pairing.
This one is just...pretty.
On second thought...I'll just go die of envy now.
Heh, heh.
The Earthsea Series
Ursula K. LeGuin is one of my writing gods. Now, if only I could find my copy of the trilogy...
- ...I don't think Ged should have facial hair, but whatever.
I want to be Tenar.
No, seriously. How does he not have fangirls?
Anime and too pale, but still cool
The one in the bottom right is awesome.
Very pretty light/shadow contrast.
The Abhorsen Trilogy
Garth Nix is awesome. READ THESE BOOKS.
- I totally had no idea she had short hair before finding this.
CREEPY HUGE EYED SABRIEL- but really cool looking.
Mogget: OMNOMNOM Abhorsen hair!
Sabriel and Lirael are sitting on the invisible bench.
Terciel's daughters even pwn in chibi!
Beautiful photomanipulation of Sabriel in Death.
Love the perspective on this one.
Sword is too short, but...Ooooeeeoo, Kerrigor's coming to get you!
I just like this one for Touchstone's face.
Best rendering of the whole family I've ever seen.
Does he look like Bilbo to anyone else?
The Temeraire Series
Napoleonic wars with dragons. Need I say more?
- Laurence, Laurence, Laurence. Such a hilarious prude.
I love the artist comments regarding dragons.
James and Volly are hilarious. And Keynes and Tharkay are awesome.
Not that I really like this pairing, but Laurence's expressions are priceless. it just me, or do Riley and Harcourt look totally smitten with each other? Also: I want Harcourt's coat.
Lawl, Temeraire; I like Eragon, seriously, but this is awesome.
Love this for the title.
How can anyone not want to squee over that expression?
Apparently, Granby's sickness dissolves the fourth wall.
Love the hair.
These dragon heads are fantastic.
...And this is why Laurence/Emily will never work.
Love Granby and Laurence's expressions.
Can I have this for Christmas, plox?
...on second thought, I'll take this for Christmas instead. XD
The art's not so great, but I love this person's siggy. (For the record, though, I am Team China. Dragon Rights!)
- AHAHAHAHA. Thank goodness that man is out of office.
And speaking of we have Rand as a Fremen. Kinda.
This pic is rather cool.
And that's the end of my ramblings! Hope you enjoyed. All art is of course copyrighted to its fabulous artists; they deserve all kinds of kudos.