this jernul is just a stroy i will add on to as i see fit its told by my avitar so this is his advetures in the lost lands of Bezen.
so there i was standing in the middle of a forst filld with bambo and pine i was traking a demond that had been plaging the nerby villege, i just lost its sent when sudintly from the sky it comes down on me pining my arms to the ground, the demond was nothing less then one of my own kind. A wolfaon and he was a big one ugly to. so i put my feet on his stumich and flip him off of me and draw my blade. " come and get me you over sized dog" i shouted he just lafed in my face. so i charged him and jumped coming down with a trumedus force. he grabs me in mid air and trows me agenst a tree. i went trow it and hit the clife side behind it. as i stagerd to my feet i notieced that it had become quite. the foe was gone i rose up and serveyed my seroundings, to discover that there was a erry glow in the distents, and so i ran to investagate. i ran for what seemed like severl minutes and was tired from being trown around like i was nothing. when i arived at the spot where the glow was lumanating from i was shoocked to see that the beast was dead and there was a frale boy with a bloody dagger standing over the crumpled body of what had just so easly beat me. the boy was only 12 and vary small and frale so i came from my hiding spot to aske what happend, but the boy,just stood there petrafied at what had just took place and what was taking place. the beasts sole was being sent to hell and the boy would fall in to the abizml depts as well, so i ran out and grabed him by his wast and trow him to the side as i jumped the gap that had just formed under me and when the ordeal was done i walked over and asked the boy what had happened. he just sat there not moving not saying any thing just staring in to nothingnuss comsumed by fear. so i picked him up and took him to the villeg where i thoght he came from but nobody new this boy. the villigers seemed frightened of the boy and would not take him in. he killed him self latter that night after i left for my next destination.
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