The wonders of zOMG! My story....
I had played zOMG! before and quit. My brother had recently been playing zOMG! for a while. I watched him every now and then. Then I decided that I would start playing it again, too.
The first day I started playing it again i was bored at first. I accedently ran into a group while fighting in the Village Greens and ended up helping them. Little did I know I would become great friends with one on them. The group contained me, a guy we called Carmine, and a guy I call Nemesis. We worked together for most of that day. We had our ups and downs, but it was fun. Closer to the end of the day Nemesis and I went a separate way from Carmine. I haven't talked to Carmine since then.
Nemesis and I worked together working our way through all the Village Green and Barton Town quests. We helped each other however we could.
By the end of the second day we had made it to Bill's Ranch. We had our difficult times, but it helped us learn more about each other. We learned to work around those difficult times. I found in Bill's ranch that I definately HATE chickens. I never liked then before except for eggs and as food, but now I hate them more if that is even possible. Going into Deanman's Pass was a little creepy but fun. Nemesis and I laughed at the names of some of the monsters: OMG, OMFG, OMGWTF. But we soon learned that there would be more funny monsters.
For the past few days Nemesis and I have been working together in Zen Gardens. The first thing that happens when we get into Zen Gardens is a pink fluff, called a cherry fluff, hops over to Nemesis. I'm not sure if he attacked it or what, but it exploded by it's self right next to him. He called it a kamakaze fluff. I had to laugh because it made sense.
I was waiting for Nemesis one time, I think, when I when I met Calinn. She tried her best to help me kill Kat's Kokeshi doll. She was nice, and I admired her effort. I was happy to have made this many friends. Friends are rare for me to find and even more rare for me to keep.
Yesterday I tried to get one of my friends in really life to play this game. She couldn't play it very well because her computer lagged way too much. Nemesis and I were supposed to help her get were she needed to be. Nemesis got bored of waiting, I think, and went help three people who were being completely stupid and irrational. I was going to help them too, but they annoyed me too much.
I told Nemesis later to meet me but didn't mention being in Calinn's crew. When her met me, he asked to meet her. Calinn was hyper and was being crazy and random. I thought it was funny. Appearantly Nemesis didn't agree. He and her got into an arguement. Eventually we left Calinn.
Today wasn't much. I complete a few quests and got a quest that I had been waiting to get.
I hope tomorrow, or whenever the next time I play is, will be just as fun as before.
To be continued................
![]() nikako kiara Community Member ![]() |