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Thoughts of Life
Just a general place...my thoughts on life :)
This is fun....Volume 3, Ho!
Your Dating Purity Score: 67%

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You are an under-experienced dater.
This doesn't mean you're unexperienced - far from it.
It just means that there's a lot of romance left to discover!

Dating Purity Test



You Are a Little Scary

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You've got a nice edge to you. Use it.

How Scary Are You?



You Are 50% Weird

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Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

How Weird Are You?



Your IQ Is 120

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Your Logical Intelligence is <b>Below Average</b><br>
Your Verbal Intelligence is <b>Genius</b><br>
Your Mathematical Intelligence is <b>Genius</b><br>
Your General Knowledge is <b>Above Average</b>

A Quick and Dirty IQ Test



Your Seduction Style: Au Natural

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You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.
That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!
The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.

You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.
Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.
You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?

You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.
Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.
As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you.

What Kind of Seducer Are You?



Your Inner Child Is Surprised

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You see many things through the eyes of a child.
Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.
You cherish all of the details in life.
Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things.

How Is Your Inner Child?


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