Lettuce Prey
Me and Pandemon first started to play cards, when all of a sudden...

So I was all like....

...so I lifted up her eye patch and took her eye...

Then E-74 Error comes running in like he owns the joint.

and he gave Pandemon a nice welcoming present...

As this was all happening, I decided to eat Pande's eye (you know...dinner and a show)

Then she retaliated and starts beating him.

Then B A N N 3 D-D starts coming in, but he fell back from Error's blood. Then Pandemon pointed the gun at him...

Error and I want in this action, so we assumed the position...

So I was all like....

...so I lifted up her eye patch and took her eye...

Then E-74 Error comes running in like he owns the joint.

and he gave Pandemon a nice welcoming present...

As this was all happening, I decided to eat Pande's eye (you know...dinner and a show)

Then she retaliated and starts beating him.

Then B A N N 3 D-D starts coming in, but he fell back from Error's blood. Then Pandemon pointed the gun at him...

Error and I want in this action, so we assumed the position...