mystery island character: Seth
enchanted forest character: seto
the star viruscharacter:seaon
Heaven gaurd Character:
two evils embodied in love shadowscharacter:seno (dead) kidulg, keto, Kitt
bloody rose ruby moonthis is the first season thing that lead on to the next one on the list
more than just a legendcharacter: jace
open hatusowa school for any kind character : keion
the end of the great city character: kieato
forbidden lovecharacter: kaito
the school for magic elements evil and good character: zeatum (new-> wink school of meeg name: zeatum, kanyo
matiko school for gifted children character: shoul young
got to catch them all: Pokemon academy character: shawl
school of mashik character: zota (no pic)
eternal character: Shouta, Kattie, Celene
the tastes of blood manor character: shounn
the last chancecharacter:uliqua
do you love me?character: Kiota, Hige
not unordianary extraordinary with lots of romance character : kimeoto
As the fox run free character: hirein
Sanitono High school Character: Kime
the lost village character: seto (no pic)
love is the only thing character: sanoske
another boarding school modern hell character: zaiku kaiwasa
/winter rose high character: geinta
the host character: kaino
kaledio star character: leaon
more than just a legend character: jace
stranded on the black moon island character: iliquwa
reviner school charcter:saikotto nagashi
light and dark hitoro
costume party character : Elion
neko reserve character: shoune
the school of nowhere character: geinta
the zodiac of death character: Kainer
the curse of the ice character: Talon
moonlit abyss rave character: kito
eclispe institute character: Kanno, takahari
the new schoolcharacter: sholue
unlimited Pokemon character: kaito
school for the lost at heart character: kruso
academy for all character: zelzis, kazu
north hill high character: shouza
Natsuki academy character: Maetur
seaon (lab experiment failure wolf)

Seth, shoune -> (wolf boy)

seto (wolf boy)

Name:kieon (boy cat)

Name: kieato (boy cat)

Name: kaito (wolf boy), kito, (kaito-> unlimited pokemon)

Name: zeatum (demon) new zeatum

Name :shoul young

Name shawl

Name: shounn (neko)

Name: uliqua (wolf)

Name: Kiota

Name: shouta (neko)

Name: kidulg (fox)

Name: keto (neko)

Name: jace ( half vampire)

Name: Kitt (fox)

name: Hige

name: Hirein (fox)

name: Kime (summoner)

name: sanoske

name: zaiku kaiwasa

name: geinta (winter rose high) (the school of no where)

name: kaino

name: Leaon

name: iliquwa

name: saikotto nagashi

name: hitoro (neko)

name: Elion (werewolf)

name: kainer

name: Talon

name: kanno

name: takahari

name: kimeoto

name: sholue (wolf)

name: kruso

Name: kanyo

name: zelzis

name: kazu

name: Kattie


name: seno

Name: Shouza

Name: Maetur