polak skool
every friggin saturday a druggie/drunk sits next to me..c im a loner in that class...first off i hate everyone in that class...they all annoying...there r a few hot guys in that class..and the girls r all bum holes. -_- i sit in the corner all by myself, but sometimes there r no more desks except the one next to me...so ya..*sigh* they either talk about last night and how hammered they were. about getting high after skool, going downtown, singing songs trying to be all gangsta, and..wut else? oh ya! 2day...one of their guys wasnt there and like..they were talking to him on the celly and they telling him to come to skool wid a taxi filled wid drinks..like all the guys had hangovers...cuz last night they all got drunk at a partee -_- stupid idiots...they all stupid...
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