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Just another howl in the darkness...
Simply the ramblings of th Shadow Wolf. Nothing more, nothing less.
I was walking down the streets of abandonment when it came.
A soft breeze like comfort that brushed my cheek softly.
A voice on the wind reassured me of the coming storm.
I knew to hide, but my body was unwilling.
It wanted to suffer.

I watched as sorrow swirled the clouds above me.
Twisting like the cotton candy stick at carnivals.
The airy substance pulling down from the heavens.
Hesitating only momentarily before touching the earth.

My gentle breeze was whipped away from me.
And clinging to my lungs, my breath drawn from my lips.
I felt the pull of despair clawing at my flesh.
Needing to drag me across the wreckage of worlds.
To draw lines in the streets with my blood.

Then it stopped.
I watched as buildings and vehicles were ripped from their posts.
As the pavement was torn asunder and flew through the air.
I wondered momentarily why I wasn't dying too.

His arms were locked around my frame.
His wings shielded me from the debris.
His cheek was pressed against mine.
His heart beat against the back of my chest.
His voice lingered in my ears.

"Hey unloving,
I will love you."

The storm died down and the gentle whisper of serenity came.
Swirling around our bodies like the disaster around the twister.
I looked into his eyes.
A bat held me in its arms.
I didn't notice the world had fallen apart.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jan 01, 2010 @ 01:04pm
That was a beautiful poem. I loved it and it kinda tugged at my heart too.

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