Jade walked deep inside the forest, slowly, keeping her eyes open for any sign of threat. Her senses were all in alert since she had been attacked by a group of bounty hunters. She had killed one and disabled four of them, only one was well enough to pursue her but he had been busy with tending the others. Her side was bleeding and she had a few bruises, aside from that, she was fine. Since she had not fed for a few weeks, she was having trouble with healing and her strength was fading. She reached a pond and sat by it, drinking some water. She leaned on a tree and closed her eyes, holding her side, her hand getting all covered in blood. This is what it was like to be an assassin and a wanted one. She licked her lips and her pointy fangs gleamed because of the moonlight. She was hungry and needed to feed. Her body needed blood.
Jade_NightWarrior Community Member |