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What my palm says about me....
And it's true too...


You are ambitious, energetic, independent, and even erratic! You are clever, rational, articulate, and orderly.Your nail type shows that you are quick tempered.A pale pink nail color belongs to someone who is warm with an outgoing nature.Things don't come easily for you. You will have to struggle hard to succeed.You are independent, and love your freedom.Your finger length tells that you are intelligent.Your slender finger shape reveals that you are both introverted, and you have an artistic nature.Your smooth joints show that you have an impulsive nature. You are quick-thinking.You want to have power. You are proud and ambitious.You have many good prospects in work, business, and in the entire outside world.You love the country. You enjoy nature, and taking care of things.You are conceited, and you long for your day in the spotlight.You have difficulty coming to terms with intuitive aspects of your own personality.Your Mercury finger suggests that you suffer from sexual difficulties.Your short and thick thumb shows that you are obstinate.You are healthy, warmhearted, compassionate, sincere, and you love children.You are able to keep a level head in a crisis.You are enthusiastic, ambitious, friendly, generous, good-tempered, and loving.You are prudent, serious minded, introspective, and studious.You have a pleasant nature. You are a lucky person. You have good taste, and appreciate artistic qualities.You are a hardworking person. You need variety in your life, and enjoy to entertain company. You have a lively disposition.You are sensitive, perceptive, romantic imaginative, artisitic, and you may even have a love for bodies of water.Your headline shows that you have a great talent for self-expression.You are prudent and you have a balanced life.Your imagination is stifled by always using common sense.You have stated that you do not have branchlines on your headline.You have great concentration.Your headline reveals that you would be very successful as a scientist, or as an inventor.Your heartline reveals that you have been known to be jealous and possessive at times.You have been known to jilt another.You have a dynamic personality.You are easy to get along with, you are well liked, and make a great lover and partner.You are a very controlled, almost calculating person.Life will always be a struggle for you.You have great vitality, and are healthy.You can expect a smooth, relatively uneventful life.Concentration should be improved. Don't waste your talents.You are generally very calm and controlled.You are healthy.You will go to the extreme financially. Either very rich, or very broke.You will have 2 dependants.Two of the dependants that you have will be boys.None of the dependants that you have will be girls.You can expect to live healthily for a minimum of 40 years.Your marriage line suggests that there will be a reunion after a separation.Your fingerprints reveal that you are materialistic, insensitive to others, and that you are hard-headed.The deep straight vertical lines on your fingers represent overwork and general fatigue.You are artistic and have new ideas.You have many interests.A cross on the hand means that you are in for a shock. If this cross is at the end of a line, you could expect failure. Notice where the cross lies on your palm.A square on a hand negates any nearby negativity.You will be extremely fortunate in life.You will be happy to know that you can expect a healthy, long, prosperous life.You have had a difficult life, but you will be happy to know that you will find your true happiness. You will have a wonderful life.

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Community Member
comment Commented on: Mon Dec 19, 2005 @ 05:43am
That's a lot.....

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