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Shattered pieces, falling stars. I guess I'll write just about anything here. Whatever happens to be on my mind that I feel like writing down.

Community Member
So- I suppose I've never really had any sort of journal besides on Quizilla.com . I'm just so entirely lazy. Haha. It's horrible really because I've always wanted one. redface
Tomarrow is my gradutation and everyone is pretty anxious. We've been going to school together for almost 10 years and it's hard to let go of everything we grew up with. Teachers are also leaving with us this year, so we'll have no one to go and visit if we ever happen to pass by.
Well I suppose that isn't entirely true. I still have my boys. Anton, Michael and Joshua are their names. Cutest guys ever. Every day I go to school with a smile on my face, knowing that I'll be greeted with hugs from my boys. They truely are really good friends. heart

That's all for now. I'll probably write about the actual grad tomarrow. =X


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