As I lay awake and think of you I cant help but wonder???? Do you miss me? It seems like forever since I last saw you... I can feel my heart break each time I think about you. But I do it anyway....
He Turns around and knocks her out. "You ******** whore, why the hell do you do that"? he screamed at her. He turns to you and asks if your okay. you go to say yea. When he pull you off the ground he realized that you were bleeding from your side. Pain was shooting through you like poision in your vains. You look at his face dazed and confused be cause your sight was going bad. The last thing you saw was panic on his face. Scared and confused you called out his name. "Jason"????? "yea" he sayd to you. "I can see, i think ive gone blind." Suddenly you felt somthing ice cold and cloth go over your head. It was being wrapped around your eyes. "Jason, What is that"????? you asked him in a low whisper. "Dont worry Valerie, Its just bandages to cover your eyes." His voice sounded like a beautifyl meldoy. you couldnt help but to feel safe when you were around him. but this time something was wrong for a split secind after his voice was gone. You felt that danger feeling you get with your ex. "Jason....Babe..are you there??". "NOW NOW SWEETIE CALM DOWN ITS JUST ME JERERY." "WHAT THE ******** DID YOU DO TO JASON" you started to hyper venilate. "No No No I cant breathe...I...I.." You stoppped in mid sentence because you were having your throat cut open and something that was being slid into...well i think you know. It was being dragged on the sides of your insides, causing you to bleed severly. Then you felt Bubbly liquid seer the opening in your throat. You struggle, but in the end it no use. you've been strapped to a bed by acid strings. you finally managed to speak" Is this how your sorry a** kills all your ex girlfriends. the ones that reject you." "b***h shut your face you dont know what the hell your talking about" "oh i dont, i have the ******** proof Jerery. And you say that you havent done that s**t. your nothing but a ******** liar. you framed me for all those murders. because you know the officer and how he would let you rape me." "i thought you were stupid...dammit i should of know to hav underestimated you Valerie." The guilt rising in you was un comprehendable. thinking over and over again "why would you feel guilty bout telling the truth when you kknew that you couldhave been seroiusly hurt. he backed off and ran out after shpooting you in the heart.
"I'll be back just you wait" He said sharply poisionus