Oh my freaking gosh.... I had the most creepiest dream ever.... See, it started out like 8 something in the morning and i was bored becuase i was watching Seasme Street(IDC if i spelled it wrong atleast you know what im talking about). *Note:I was KS in my dream and my house was like a ghoust town*
Then,I hid in the closet for somereason IDK why....at times im special like that... Later, for some reason, Kisame and Itachi walked in (they came back from the shower). *Note:In this house I have 2 bathrooms, 1 in the hallway and the other one in my foster-parents bedroom*
Itachi was wearing my foster mom bathrobe and Kisame was wearing my blue bathrobe. Then Kisa got dressed(As much as i love him.....Yes he was naked and i was blind for a moment) But then Itachi on the other hand was clipping his over grown toenails (DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE THEY WERE LOUD AND CRUNCHY AND ONE SHOT ME IN THE EYE!!!!!x.< owie....)
A good 10-20 minutes later, still squished in theis closet with Kisame's sword, Itachi was now getting dressed. But before he even put on his boxers, he went into the closet and got Kisame's sword (As for me I was invisible to him, and blinded by his nudeness too) (Kisame let to go make breakfus btw so he wasnt in the room) and guess what....HE WAS MOCKING ME AND KISAME!!!!
He was saying (About Kisa-chan) like:I'm a fish man...I walk around with a huge sword...My skin color is blue... Then he got the blue scarf from my room and tied it around his waist...AND THIS IS WHAT HE SAID!!!!!: Oh I'm KS & I flirt with people....I'm in love with Kisame....I have plastic boobz and a fake tail) then hiz dumb self got dressed.... (yeeeeeeeeeah but i peed in his shoes though.... I RUUUUUUUUUULE!!!)
When Itachi left to go wake me up, Kisa-chan finished breakfus(Smelled and tasted good heartheartheart ) Then I woke up..... Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
ThE eNd!!!!!
Much yum_strawberry Love & Keep yum_puddi Trollin'