Chapter 1 – A Memory She Won’t Forget
[][][] This Chapter Has Been Revised [][][]
Now here is the opening scene of this story. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter.
Genre: Suspense/Romance
Pairing: Roxas/Namine, Sora/Kairi, Hayner/Olette, and Tidus/Selphie
Disclaimer: The following characters of “Prom Night: A Night To Die For” have not been created from me. Square Enix and Disney have the legal rights of owning the game Kingdom Hearts and its characters. The setting takes place in Destiny Islands but that's about it. The plot is from the movie "Prom Night" and is not mines but I have adapted it where some original written work is in the story so it's not a complete copycat off the movie. Some original characters have been made for the story.
Destiny Island High School – 2005
“There are many methods such as the substitution method or elimination. Among the vary indication…” the teacher, Cid, said about algebra teaching the class. The class was just bored to death. Some were even sleeping and Cid didn’t notice at all. Namine had her head on her right hand trying to even listen to the lecture.
“Hey, when will this damn class end?” she softly asked Olette on her left.
“I don’t know but it feels like forever,” Olette responded with a bored tone. Just then, the school bell finally rings as the students quickly got out of their seat and headed out for the door.
“Don’t forgot to do problem 6-40 – 6-45 students,” Cid said as students were already out of the room.
“Why do Mondays feel like a whole week?” Namine complained walking out the classroom.
“I don’t know but he following us again,” Olette claims.
“Don’t tell it’s my ex-boyfriend Riku?” Namine softly whines.
Olette looks to see he is still looking over them. “Yep. He is right behind us. I’m glad you broke up with that b*****d but he still can’t get a clue you guys are officially over and done. He is so stalking you,” Olette responds.
“Hey guys,” Kairi greets joining the two. “Guess who is following Kairi?” Namine asked. Kairi looked to see Riku following them all alone without his friends Seifer, Rai and Fuu. The three of them enter into the café to get food and sit with their other friends.
“Hey you guys,” Kairi greets them putting her lunch onto the table and taking a seat next to Sora.
“Hey,” they both said. Behind them was Riku again looking at Namine.
After Namine and Riku’s breakup, he has been watching and stalking her. It was about three days ago since it happened. She broke up with because he started to become more obsessed in their 2-week relationship. First he seemed all nice but later on, he become more of an a** like rushing things. He had fell in love with her innocent beauty. Riku wanted Namine to hang with his friends. Go on date mostly four times a week. He was just controlling her. One time he wanted her to dress the way he wanted her, which was slutty clothes. It didn’t fit here. The line drew when he said that she shouldn’t be hanging out with her friends anymore and that he was following her everywhere. The relationship was crazy and one that Namine shouldn’t have done. Up till now, he has been stalking her everyday.
“I should have never date that b*****d,” Namine said.
“I hate to say I told you so but I was right. Something didn’t feel right,” Roxas states.
“Yeah. Why didn’t I listen to you?” she asked.
“Cuz’ you were totally not listening to me while you just stared at him like this.” Roxas then made his head tilt opening his mouth making like he was drooling.
“Shut up.” Namine shoved him laughing.
“It’s the truth,” Tidus said.
“Ha ha. I forgot to laugh,” Namine said.
“But you did,” Sora told her.
“Well, I have to use the restroom you guys. I’ll come back,” Namine tells them getting up and heading for the girls restroom.
Namine enters the restroom to find no one inside. Entering one of the stalls, she uses the toilet. After a few seconds she hears the door opening indicating someone else had come in. She didn’t pay attention on who it was or by looking down to see the feet. The person enters the next stall right by her and uses the toilet. Namine was done and to grab the toilet paper but there wasn’t any. Namine couldn’t believe she had to now ask the other person for toilet paper. So she softly knocks the wall asking if the student had some. There was no answer. She then sees a hand coming from the bottom with the toilet paper. Her eyes become widen when the hand appears to be a boy’s hand. She pulls up her pants and gets out and to check the other stall.
“Who are you? This is the girls restroom.” There was no answer again.
Namine slowly walks close to the stall door to see who is with her. She gets closer and closer until the door swings open revealing Riku.
“Aaah!” Riku fully runs to her covering her mouth to shut her up so no one finds out. Namine tries to scream but it couldn’t be heard.
“I’m obsessed with you Namine. I’ve only been watching you until I could make move on you,” he said getting in her face blowing his breath. Tears started to develop in Namine’s eyes as Riku put her down onto floor sliding his hand on her thigh.
“Don’t worry. It will be pleasurable. Well for me it will.” Namine soon kicks Riku in the balls making him clutch onto it and for her to make her escape. She runs out to see nobody around. They all were outside or at the cafeteria.
“Why you little b***h!?” Riku yells from the restroom. Namine runs across the hallway when Riku soon comes out the restroom running to her quick. Cover in fear on what he’ll do next.
Namine starts to run seeing Riku catching up. He was sure a fast runner. Namine runs as fast as she can look back at some points because she wanted to know how close he was getting. In order to loose him she had to go in random directions so she had time to find her friends or at least somebody. She soon turns left and then left again hearing Riku’s footstep drawing near. She looks back as he immediately shows in front of her.
“AAH!” Namine runs when Riku catches up with her covering her mouth when they enter through two doors as they stop. The two end up in the cafeteria shocking the whole student body. Riku was still in psycho mode as he was smiling evil looking letting go of a crying Namine. She run to Roxas’s arm and hugs him. Riku smiles as security came and took Riku away.
One week later - 6:30 a.m.
“I’m sorry I had to call you guys in very early but I have other stuff to attend to and this is indeed important. This restraining order will keep Riku away from your daughter Mr. and Mrs. Hikari. He has been expelled from Destiny Island High for his vicious behavior to your daughter and in front of the students. I guarantee you he won’t be doing anything to her anymore,” the man states.
“Thank you sir,” Mrs. Hikari says getting up from her seat along with her husband out where Namine and Takashi are.
“Lets go you two.” The family gets in their Honda Civic and drive off to Destiny Island High to drop off Namine at school.
Namine is in class listening to the English teacher, Tifa, about a project. She couldn’t really pay attention after last week incident but she had to forget about it. Just looking at the window she just enjoyed the scenery. Being on the second floor of the school was nice. Then she sees Riku standing by a tree looking right at her. Namine quickly looks back and looks again with him still looking at her. Tifa noticed Namine’s behavior and goes on over to her.
“What’s wrong Namine?” she asked her. Namine was looking straight forward pointing at the window. Tifa looks outside but there was no one there.
“There is nothing out there Namine. You don’t have to worry about anything except for this project.” As Tifa left Namine looks at the window again and sees Riku out there yet again staring at her.
The class bell rings as Namine packs up her stuff fast and is the first one to leave the room.
“Namine. Wait up!” Roxas called out to her.
“I’m sorry. I must be losing it after what happened,” she said.
“Forget about that psycho obsessed boy. He is gone and as your friend, I’m going to take you to the movies along with our other friends. We are going to see Crash tonight. I heard it was a good movie. Come with us.”
“Alright I’ll come with you guys tonight. Pick me up though. I’ve got no ride even though my parents will be home all night since it’s a weekend.”
“Alright. I’ll walk you home even if you know who got bailed out of jail by his stupid parents.”
“Thanks Roxas. You’ve been such a great friend. We’ve got three more years ahead of us and I can’t for our own senior prom and graduation.”
“We’ll come around seven. So be ready by that time.” The two walks to Namine’s house, wanting to do something to forget about what happened.
Namine was getting ready to go to the movies putting on a white t-shirt that had a hello kitty on it with a pink sweater, cause it was cold, and baby blue jeans. Then she styles her hair into a ponytail and putting on a white headband (She is wearing the same exact clothes like Donna in the movie from the beginning if you saw it). She goes downstairs opening up a closet to get her light brown jacket putting it on.
“I’m going now. I’ll come back around ten since we are going to eat after we watch the movies.” She leaves the house and gets in a car with her friends and Roxas’s mom driving the car to the movies.
The gang: Roxas, Namine, Sora, Kairi, Hayner, Olette, Tidus and Selphie exit out the theaters after enjoying the movie.
“That was a good movie,” Sora said.
“It was wasn’t it?” Selphie asked.
“Lets go eat now at McDonald you guys,” Kairi said. The group enters the place since it was only one block away and order food. Namine was quiet right now barely eating her food.
“Hey, you alright?” Roxas asked Namine
“Yeah but I feel like I’m being watched. I look around and I would see Riku somewhere. I mean today in English, I looked over at the window and there he was. Ms. Lockhart looked but she said he wasn’t there. I look back and he there again.”
“Listen, he isn’t coming anywhere near you alright? Nothing bad is going to happen. Just enjoy the food and we’ll drop you off where you can get a good sleep.”
“I guess your right. I shouldn’t worry about him anymore.”
“Lets jet already. I need to get home,” Hayner says getting up.
“Yeah. Lets,” Olette says.
“Come on Namine. We’re going,” Roxas tells her. He calls his mom to pick them up making them wait for a while. The group heads on outside waiting for a car to stop by with Roxas’s mom in it.
“Man is it cold,” Kairi complained wrapping her arms around herself. Sora removed his jacket putting it on her.
“No problem.” Headlights shine on the gang seeing Roxas’s mom. They get on in and are going to drop out Namine first.
The car drives off crossing a bridge right now. “Oh I can’t wait to get home and sleep all night,” Namine said.
“We are tired but I’m not,” Selphie said still drinking her McFlurry.
“Hyper enough?” Namine asked.
“No. I’ve should’ve asked for the cookies and cream one. This M&Ms are not sweet enough.”
“We’re here now,” Roxas’s mom says stopping in front of Namine’s house. Namine gets out of her seat thanking for the ride.
Roxas rolls the window down when Kairi shows up by his side. “Won’t don’t you try out for cheerleading. I don’t want that b***h Yuna to get that spot.”
“No thanks.”
“What did girl ever do to you,” Roxas mom asked.
“Where do want me to start?” Kairi asked.
“Bye you guys.”
“Bye,” Roxas said as the car drives off.
Namine walks down the path to her house putting her hands in her pocket opening the door. “I’m home.”
No one answered or was around. Everything was on. She goes in the living room seeing the TV on but there was no one there on the couch. She opens up the closet taking off her jacket and putting back in the closet hearing steps upstairs. “Dad?” Namine asked going to see if her dad was there but there was no answer. What she didn’t see was that her dad was all slouched over on the couch with a trail of blood on his face and eyes closed indicating he is dead. Namine heads on upstairs going into her room.
“Ah.” She trips on her brother’s baseball bat. “Damn it Takashi. I almost killed myself on this.,” she complains holding the bat and entering his room with him sleeping on his bed facing it. She couldn’t see her brother’s face. “Are you listening to me you idiot?” Namine pokes him with the bat with no response. “Turn down the TV,” she demanded turning him over to reveal his face. “Aah!” Namine backs up dropping the bat seeing a bloodstain on his shirt and bed. She then hears her mom yelling with some guy as the door just opens.
“Where is she?!” a male voice yelled.
Strike with fear, she runs into her room hiding under her bed panicking. She looks to her left seeing the feet of her mother as she tries to close the door from someone.
“Where is she?!” the man asked again.
“She is not here!” her mom yelled.
It is suddenly burst open causing her to fall onto the floor. Namine sees a man’s feet turning to her mom. She continues to watch the scene when the guy grabs her mom with a knife on his left hand.
“She belongs to me! Where is she?!” He turns her head to see her daughter under the bed. Namine starts to worry now as her eyes starts to develop tears.
“Tell me where she is!”
“I don’t know.”
“You’re lying! I know you know where she is!”
“She is at the movies with her friends. Please don’t…” Namine is about to scream when she soon covers her mouth when the guy kills her mother right in front of her.
Riku gets up, looks at the room and leaves when he hears sirens coming. Namine removes her mouth still crying getting out from under the bed. She slowly walks on her way out to see if he was still in the house. Not making any noise, she slowly walks down the stairs to get out of her house. She opens the door to see a police car coming by.
“Help me! Help me! Stop! HELP ME!” The police car just passes her.
“I did it for us.” Namine looks behind her to see Riku.
“AAH!” Namine runs backs into the house dodging Riku and running into dining room.
“You’re not getting away from me again.”
Riku looks around the dining room not finding Namine. He looks everywhere from underneath the table to small closets that holds canned food and snacks.
“Where are you?” he creepily asked stopping. Namine was all quiet hiding behind a curtain in front of Riku. He goes into the kitchen as Namine gets out of the curtain and into the living room. She sees her dad. Not wanting to scream, she covers her mouth with both hands.
“I know you’re in there.” Namine hides behind a wall when Riku back in the dining room pulls the curtain where she was earlier. Police sirens are heard coming nearby stopping in the street. A police officer named Cloud comes in alone finding no one. Namine looks behind her to see Riku but he wasn’t there. Making a run for it still looking back she bumps into somebody.
“AAH!” Riku grabs her when Cloud soon attacks him pinning to the ground removing the knife from his hands. Namine runs out the house and sees a bunch of people outside of her house including her friends. She runs to her friends. It’s no coincidence she embraces Roxas. (I know what your saying. It’s always him but this story needs to retain its romance genre other than suspense) Riku comes out with cuffs behind him and Cloud holds him. As Riku walks, he looks at Namine and doesn’t say a word but smiles. Namine has wet eyes and cheeks just looking at him. Cloud puts Riku in the back of the police car as it drives off.
“I'm very sorry about your family.” Cloud was a caring person and he needed to protect this girl. Namine sees coroners bring out three body bags. She turns away crying on Roxas’s chest.
“It’s over Namine,” he says putting has hand in her soft hair and the other around her waist embracing her very close. The rest of her friends join the two. She has lost everything from this point. All is left are her friends and close relatives. It will be a memory she won’t forget.
XxXClarie_RedfieldXxX · Wed Jun 17, 2009 @ 02:22am · 0 Comments |