Tricks analysis for “I am a Rock”
In the poem I am a Rock I found that the general topic of the poem was lost love and hatred towards a love that was never meant to be. The poem was also about the fact that crying was associated with weakness and because the author did not want to show weakness to his lost lover he would not cry, making him a rock.
I found that the Title of the poem represented the poem in just what it said, I am a Rock. I found that since one of the many topics of the poem was to hide ones emotions from one that had broken your heart, the point that was trying to be put across but the title was that rocks cannot feel anything and that he Paul Simon was a rock. (Note: the title of the poem is a metaphor that bests describes as well of what the poem is about).
In this poem there were many words that were Repeated. One: “I am a rock, I am an island” This was what the poem was really about because “a rock feels no pain, and an island never cries”, and since the author is showing that he wants to hide from his emotions/hide them from others he becomes the rock and the island so that this becomes possible. Another thing that is repeated is love as a verb tense and as just a word. I think that the author tied together love with a rock because again a rock cannot love, and he wants it that way.
I found that the Rhyming scheme of the poem was:
First stanza: a b c dd e, Second stanza: a b c d ee f, Third stanza: a b c dd e, Fourth Stanza (No Rhyme Scheme): a b c d e, Fifth Stanza (No Rhyme Scheme): a b. There words that were chosen to rhyme simply gave the poem a good flow, and they were specifically chosen to accent the meaning of the poem as well. I think that the last two stanzas were chosen not to rhyme to get an unexpected reaction form the reader. This type of surprise may invoke the reader to pay more attention to the words specifically chosen not to rhyme.
The Imagery in this poem was scares in my opinion, although there were some parts that did have some significant imagery. In stanza #2 when the author is talking about building his fortress around himself and his feelings, I got the image that he was building these walls around a metaphoric version of his heart. These walls that he is building are “deep” and “mighty” which made it sound all the more intimidating so people would therefore leave the wall and his feelings behind it alone. Another image I got from this was not only the was the wall came off as intimidating but also how the person on the inside came across as scared or hurt deeply. A also thought that the deepness of these walls did not only represent that the walls ran deep for security but they ran as deep as the authors pain did inside of his heart behind the walls.
Most of the Important words were also most of the repeated words. I found no unfamiliar words in this poem some of the most important words in this poem were Love (theme of the poem), memories (hurting from something that came out of a memory), Island (a distance place or escape from these memories. Rock (symbolizes the author for he no longer wants to feel, making himself a rock. Pain (the author feels this). Love: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person, the connotation of love in this poem was exactly that but this is the love the author is lacking.
Memories: the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences. The connotation of memories in this poem was that these memories of a lost love are haunting his thoughts and poisoning the good memories that he used to posses of the love he once had. Rock: a stone of any size. The connotation for this word was that it was a metaphorical representation of the author and what he had become after the memories of this hurt for they have turned him to stone.
The most prominent Comparison between words was
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thinks* i thought that this would never happen
me become someone i'm not
but finally be someone i know
thinks* i thought that this would never happen
me become someone i'm not
but finally be someone i know
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