“I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.”
Cause if you leave me..
You leave me broken, shattered, a lie.
So, looks like I've finally got admin approval, so I can let the news out.
If you're going to 06 AX, and you attend the panel, you get a chance to win a Gaia-Modded PC, by me. smile
I'm currently working on the mod, and the way the give away will be held, but here's what's going on with the mod so far.
PC Specs:
AMD Athlon 64 2800. (1.8ghz) MSI Socket 754 Motherboard 512Mb DDR 3200 @ 400Mhz Geforce 6600 GT OC 40GB Maxtor HDD Soundblaster Live 5.1 Sound Windows XP Home edition with custom startup screen, intereactive desktop, and the full Gaia App suite (firefox with Gaia toolbar, and the Gaia IM Cleint.) all customized to macth the mod theme.
The casemod itself is: "The G-Corp PC"
Pearlescent dark blue to red paintjob, with mirror finish. Custom window with G-corp "G" logo etching. Red interior case lighting Red halo sidepanel fan (80mm) Red front and rear 120mm fans Custom G-corp graphics on the sidepanel (possible) 5" LCD screen built in. (still working out this one.)
The work is coming along nicely, and pictures will be posted soon. For now, just look at the pretty background. smile