Who ever you are who hacked in my friend avvount and stole her stuff and all her gold( i know who you are) I will make sure your accout will be deleted if you dont get back her stuff.... Because right now that waz really assh*lish what you did right there. If you needed gold just ask one of your friendz(Common Sence). I've sent you a pm also so don't act surprised when I'm putting you on blast (like I am now)....D.P.S.(her anitionalz) I'll make sure you get your stuff back...... Now this is the last time i am asking you to do this.....NICELY!!!! Because if not I will put you on super blast.....And don't think i won't cause I will.... now please just do as i day.....ok? Now if you read this and youre not this persom then let your other friendz know that this might happen to you....
Much yum_strawberry Love & Keep yum_puddi Trollin'