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my life and heart
me and my heart
She sliced into her wrist. The pain taking over her body in a grateful rush. The blood pouring out becoming faster and faster as her heart beat slows. She whispers his name before she dies. Isn't ironic that at that moment he was coming to whisk her off her feet. He found her dead and sunk to his knees sobbing. The next morning her roommate saw the bodies and called the cops. She killed herself cause she thought he didn't love her. And he killed himself cause he couldn't live without her.Five years later a young girl reads this storie. She was going to kill herself but instead she called the man she loves. A month later she sees him cheating on her and kills herself. Little did she know he wasn't cheating he was talking about plans to prepossess to her. He see's her suicide letter and he reads it. that kills him.

this is her letter

My love wasn't enough for you was it. you need more don't you. you can have all you want since when you come home i will be dead. good bye my love.

Death is inevitable..I don't fear it....I challenge it.

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