I was having fun on my main account. I was talking with my friends, being totally innocent when I saw the girl. shaerocks, her username was. The name of my best friend, of whom I knew had a Whyville account. It sounded exactly like a name she would make up for herself, so I left my group of friends to go talk to her. I suppose I could have introduced myself, but instead I asked her her full name. She didn't answer me, and all of a sudden I was ejected from the room. I had been through this so many times, so I said to myself, "What did I do this time?". But instead of sending me to the same chatroom with just tape on my avatar's mouth, it told me the most disturbing news I had heard in months. At the very top of a totally white page, the terrorizing words read, 'You have been banished from Whyville.' All I had been through, my 102 clam salary I had worked so hard to get, the friends I had made that won't believe it's really me on another account, the look I had worked everyday of my Whyvillian life to make, was gone. It just wasn't fair. Take a word from a rebel who knows:
www.whyville.net is a site to puke on. The people you meet there are mostly kind and will be your friend, but the "constant monitering", I think plays favorites, for most people tell new kids to "shut up" because, I admit, they are so annoying. Tell me why when they do it, the "moniter" passes them up, but they see me do it, and I'm taped for a week. So, if you want your dignity in one full piece, take my advice and stay away from Whyville, unless you know a full proof hack to get accounts back. And if you do, feel free to share them with me.
Thank you.
My Life Belongs To Music · Fri Jun 05, 2009 @ 09:16pm · 0 Comments |